  • 學位論文


Factors affect social network members to forward messages

指導教授 : 范懿文


隨著網路環境的改變,以及行動裝置的普及,讓人們上網時間不斷增加,其中「社群網站」所花費時間最多,高黏著度的使用習慣,使得分享資訊的次數越來越頻繁。人們可以透過社群網站的服務在短時間內,將資訊傳遞的無遠弗屆。這種轉發的動作其實就是病毒行銷的一種形式,而啟動這種病毒式散佈的力量是源自於社群成員是否願意在自己的社群網絡中轉發消息。因此,本研究將會以兩類特性相異的社群平台──Facebook和批踢踢實業坊(BBS)來探討影響轉發訊息因素的差異;轉發訊息因素包含,「知覺愉悅性」、「知覺易用性」、「公開呈現的個性」、「利他主義」、「來源可靠性」做為動機,影響轉發意圖和線上轉發訊息。 研究結果顯示,「知覺愉悅性」、「利他主義」和「來源可靠度」皆為Facebook、批踢踢實業坊和總體樣本的轉發訊息因素;在不同的社群平台情境下會對轉發訊息因素有所影響,「知覺易用性」僅在Facebook成員中為顯著影響轉發訊息因素;而「公眾呈現個性」也只在批踢踢實業坊和總樣本有顯著影響轉發訊息因素。轉發因素會影響社群成員的轉發意圖,而轉發意圖會進一步影響線上轉發內容的行為。本研究所得的結果將可提供欲透過社群媒體傳遞訊息或病毒式行銷的人員做為參考。


Through the network environment’s changing and the growing amount of mobile devices, people spend most of their time on social network. High stickiness of social network will increase the frequency of sharing information. Forwarding on social network can spread information widely in a short time. This forward action is actually a part of viral marketing. However, to start the power of viral spread, community members’ willingness to forward messages in their social network are needed. Therefore, this study will be based on the two different types of social platforms, Facebook and PTT (BBS), to investigate the impact of forwarding the message. The factors how to affect the forward intention and forward online content contain “perceived enjoyment”, “perceived ease of use”, “public individuation”, “altruism” and “source credibility”. The study shows that "perceived enjoyment", "altruism" and "source credibility" are the forwarding factors on Facebook, PTT and the overall sample. Forwarding factors in different social network is affected. “Perceived ease of use” is a significant factor only on Facebook members, and “public individuation” is a significant factor only on PTT and the overall sample. Forwarding factors affect forwarding intention of community members, and forwarding intention affects the forwarding content on online. The results of this study will be provided who want to pass the message of social media or viral marketing as a reference.


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