

近年來我國積極破除性別隔離,致力兩性平權社會。過去女性的角色與地位,總是被刻意地壓抑和忽視,相較之下,女性的自主權與決策權比男性要少許多,傳統社會賦予女性的家務牽絆也較多,加上欠缺相關社會資源和資訊的提供與整合,使得許多有理想有抱負的優秀女性,常受到環境因素的限制,難以依個人志趣追求自我實現,更不用談想要自創事業了。 由於男女平權觀念的提倡,我國在2001年12月21日通過「兩性工作平等法」,為女性爭取經濟地位,樹立堅強法律後盾。促使女性有機會走出自家廚房,在職場上與男性共同競爭與合作,然而,女性的表現,無論在政治、經濟、社會上,都有傑出而亮麗的成績。除了工作能力與才華的展現普遍受到社會肯定外,女性投入的勞動力與經濟貢獻度也引起社會重視,在觀念愈先進、愈開放、制度愈自由、愈民主的國家,女性就愈是有機會展現才華,追求自我實現與男性一較高下。 本研究共分兩階段,第一階段針對九位創業成功的女性創業家進行訪談和分析,探究其生命歷程;第二階段針對50位女性創業家和50位一般女性員工進行問卷調查,探討女性創業家在心理資本、社會資本、內外控人格特質這三項構面上的表現是否具有差異。


Recently, our government work hard to break the sexual discrimination to make a fair working environment for both sexualities. In the past, the role of women is purposely being depressed and ignored. Women have relatively little right of decision making. Additionally, the traditional thought of our society is that women should stay at home. As a result, lots of outstanding female workers have lost their opportunities due to the environment. Our government released the Gender Equality in Employee Law on 21st Dec. 2001 to protect the working right of women. It encouraged women to fight for their success in career with men. Now, women have great achievement in political, economy and society. This research takes a two-stages method to analyze the life management of female entrepreneurs. In the first stage, we interview 9 female entrepreneurs to share their life, interaction with family and working career. In the second stage, we use questionnaire to mesure the characteristics of female entrepreneurs and compare with the female employee to see if there is any difference.


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