  • 學位論文


Ciliary muscle micro fluctuation and LED glare research

指導教授 : 張榮森


現今光源的型式繁多,而白光LED與我們日常生活之其他能源相比較大約可節省2/3的能源,是目前非常夯且非常重要之綠色能源。當人面對光源時會對其產生一種不舒服感覺,而眩光就是描述在這環境中產生之不舒服感之非常重要的指標。過度的眩光可能會造成許多種的眼睛疾病,但是卻很少有一客觀描述並表達出眩光的方式。在CIE(國際照明委員會)有一公式可以表示在短波長之眩光效應,但此眩光公式卻是以個人主觀的問卷調查再加以統計學的方式來建立,並不是一個真正客觀的公式。而本篇論文的目的就是希望能研究發展出一套以客觀方式量測出眩光數據,在這篇論文中將使用新的方法及新改裝的儀器來量測睫狀肌的微小波動並以此數據來判定眩光的程度,此新眩光量測儀器可快速自動量測人的視力並量測出Accommodation (眼球調節能力)的數值,再以經過傅利葉轉換之方式轉換成HFC (high frequency component) 之高頻成份數值,並將以此數據來分析判定眩光的程度。實驗方法為置放一個13瓦白光LED燈泡置放在高於人眼之側面向正下方照射,光投射至人眼之角度為θ (在本實驗中θ設為43°與0°)。首先在θ=43°下先關掉LED燈泡,利用新眩光檢定裝置量測出Accommodation(眼球調節能力)和轉換後的HFC之高頻成份數值並記錄下來,然後打開LED白光燈泡產生眩光,同樣量測出Accommodation(眼球調節能力) 和轉換後的HFC之高頻成份數值。然後再以相同之量測方法作眼睛散瞳對眩光影響的實驗,以及有無白內障眼睛對眩光影響比較實驗。接下來在θ=0°下利用改裝之可變LED目標光源調節眩光強度,再以相同方法作LED目標光源開關量測,我們發現其眩光強度與HFC有正相關,且靈敏度高、再現性好。這是第一次利用Accommodation和HFC參數以客觀數據化的方式來量測定義出眩光程度。


White light LED can save two third of every power consumption compare with our daily used reference light, It is an important green energy. Glare is an important light-distress indicator of our environment. It is generally a subjective discomfort sensation while a person is exposing to a light source. Glare may possibly induce many eye problems. However, it is seldom expressed in the objective scale. The short wave of their glare effect to measure it is the CIE glare index equation. But the CIE glare index is coming from subjective questionnaire and statistical result. The purpose of this paper is to develop an objective investigation of glare. At this experiment use the new design instrument to measure the Ciliary body micro fluctuation then decision the glare degree. This instrument is an ultrafast automatic refractometer capable of near vision measurement, was used to measure accommodation. High frequency component (HFC) was extracted through Fourier transformation. The methods used LED white-light bulb with 13-watt that was put in upper-anterior-lateral θ degree position then illuminate to the eye (θcould be from 90° to 0°, here we chose θ=43° and 0°). Without LED light, accommodation was measured with our equipment, and HFC was extracted simultaneously. Then LED bulb of θ=43° with eye was turned on to trigger glare, and accommodation measurement was done in the same manner. Afterwards, the cycloplegic eye drop was applied and high myopia/anisometropia unilateral cataract volunteers then test was repeated again. Statistical difference exists between light-on and light-off condition in the form of accommodation and HFC. In the cycloplegic group, the HFC change is more prominent. Then we use θ=0° position and turn on the power variable LED vision target, we get the same result which showing that the strength of the glare is proportional to the HFC. For the first time, an objective method to measure the glare using the parameters such as accommodation and HFC is established. The approach is sensitive and reproducible.


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