  • 學位論文


The Birth of the New Genre: the Growth Descriptions of “the Dream of the Red Chamber” by the Eighty-Chapter Edition

指導教授 : 康來新


《紅樓夢》以中國傳統小說之集大成者誕生於十八世紀,自此於學術史中形成「紅學」之研究學派。在當代「紅學革命」之「新典範」的提出之下,以「小說批評」為主要研究基準之時,勢必得通過跨文化、跨學科之努力,來重構《紅樓夢》之經典意義。 在「經典性重構」的必要下,「重讀」成為一種重新發現的策略,我們可以發現曹雪芹不斷的下修了《紅樓夢》中人物的年齡,將寫作重點從描述「成年人、青年人為主的世界」改易為「童年人、少年人為主的世界」,於此,「童年」和「成長」間發生的關係在於,在《紅樓夢》中,由於對童年的依戀,而構成其在成長文學中,傳達出「拒絕成長」或是「反成長」的主題。 本論文主要內容分為三部分:第一部份以「生」與「育」為主,《紅樓夢》中透過具體兒童人物之描述,傳達出抽象的「童年」意涵,文本中出現諸多生育禮儀之描寫,如誕生、祈福等,展現家長對於子嗣之來臨表現出的祝福與期盼。然而,除了為迎生而起的喜悅外,在撫育兒童成長的過程中,尚有許多困難及艱辛,生理上的疾病與社會上的危機,都在在的顯示了兒童成長之隱憂。第二部分以「情」與「性」為旨,探討人物青春之啟蒙,以青春期為關注焦點,文本中的少男少女進入青春期之特徵不盡相同,在少男以「性」為主的生理上的轉變,與少女以「情」為主的心理上的成長中,討論「文化」對其身卅心之影響。第三部分則以「髮」與「名」探討書中定義之成年的象徵,在人物之「髮」與「名」的改變與否中,討論曹雪芹迴避「成年」之方式,當「成年」不得不來臨之時,曹雪芹採取了些許的書寫策略保存「童年」的記憶。 總言之,欲討論中國式成長小說之濫觴,《紅樓夢》成為可能的文本,本論文以「新文類之誕生」為題,希冀能在以西方源起的成長小說文類中,於中國古典文學找到其相對應的位置,在「經典轉化」明清敘事文學建構的必要性下,重新以「成長」的角度詮釋文本,提供閱讀《紅樓夢》之不同面向。


成長小說 文類 童年 兒童 反成長 《紅樓夢》


‘Re-read’ is necessary to become an new strategy under the classic reconstruction. In this way, we would find Cao Xue Qin曹雪芹, the author of “the Dream of the Red Chamber”, adjusted the ages of the figures in this novel, and the writing focus changed from the adults to the teenagers or children. Therefore, the relations of the childhood and the growth will lie on the attachment of the childhood in “the Dream of the Red Chamber”. It also leads to express the thesis of the anti-growth when constructing in the literature of the Bildungsroman. The thesis will divide into three parts: the first will focus on the ‘birth’ and the ‘education’. In “the Dream of the Red Chamber”, it expressed the abstract meaning of the childhood through the narration of the children in the novel. In the context, we will find many descriptions about the birth etiquette, such as the birth, benediction, to reveal the expectation of the offspring for the parents. However, in addition to the joy of the birth, there also have many difficulties and hardships in the process when raising a child from childish to the growth. It reflects on the physical illnesses or social crisis, and becoming the worry when the children grow. Secondary, the ‘emotions’ and the ‘sex’ are the key points when discussing the enlightenment of the youth. Under the circus stance of the physical changes of the boys on the basis of the ‘sex’ and the mental growth of the girls on the base of the ‘emotions’, we will discuss how the culture have the impacts on the body and the mind in this novel. The next, we will use the ‘hairs’ and the ‘fame’ to discuss the definition of the mature symbol in the novel. In this way, we will discuss how the author Cao Xue Qin曹雪芹 that he used some writing strategies to preserved the childhood memory when facing the thesis of the growth. In all, when talk about the beginning of the Bildungsroman in Chinese fictions, “the Dream of the Red Chamber” will become a text in possibility. Under the topic of “the Birth of the New Genre”, The thesis attempts to find and provide the position for Chinese classical novels when we use the genre of the Bildungsroman even its original is from the West. Besides, the thesis also attempts to re-interpret the context under the aspect of the ‘growth’ provideng a different way for the readers when reading “the Dream of the Red Chamber”.




