  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Speech Perception and Word Recognition in the Chinese Language

指導教授 : 李俊仁 謝宜蕙


本研究以國小二年級學生為對象,利用聽覺時序判斷作業探討語音知覺與中文識字能力的關係。在拼音文字中,閱讀障礙學童可能在語音知覺上的缺陷,導致聲韻覺識的缺陷,進而影響識字。閱讀障礙者在語音知覺上的缺陷,有兩大論述,一是聽覺時序處理缺陷假說,另一個為語音特定缺陷假說,前者強調在任何的聲音刺激上,只要訊息本身的訊號長度夠短,兩個訊號間的間隔夠短,閱讀障礙者都有處理上的缺陷,但語音知覺缺陷假說,則認為僅在語音訊息,而且只有在語音訊號相接近的訊息,閱讀障礙者才有知覺上的缺陷。本研究旨在利用中文識字檢視此爭議。 在實驗一中,分別以高低純音(pure tone)、/ㄅㄚ/—/ㄉㄚ/、/ㄅㄚ/—/ㄙㄚ/、長調頻掃頻音(FM sweep)及短調頻掃頻音(FM sweep)進行聽覺時序判斷作業,受試者必須依照聽到的刺激按鍵進行反應,結果發現控制非語文智力後,低識字組及控制組在所有作業上都沒有差異;而刺激間時距與組別間也沒有交互作用,此外,實驗一也沒有發現聽覺時序判斷作業的正確率和識字能力達顯著相關。因此,從實驗一的結果似乎並不支持聽覺時序判斷缺陷的假說。 接著在實驗二中,與實驗一最大的差異在於操弄寬頻隨機噪音的有無,以高低純音、/ㄅㄚ/—/ㄉㄚ/、/ㄅㄚ/—/ㄙㄚ/的作業,進行聽覺時序判斷作業。結果顯示在噪音下,即使在控制非語文智力及口語詞彙能力後,/ㄅㄚ/—/ㄉㄚ/作業的正確率與識字能力仍然有顯著的相關,但非噪音狀況下則無。顯示檢視語音知覺以及識字問題時,噪音操弄的重要性。 本研究發現即便是中文的形音對應關係不如拼音文字直接,但語音知覺對於學童識字能力的發展可能仍然是一項重要的因素,惟其如何影響識字能力仍需後續研究加以探討。


This study focuses on the relationship between speech perception and word recognition in Chinese. The debate between the temporal order judgment deficit (TOJ) hypothesis and the speech specific perception deficit hypothesis has been going on for years in alphabetic language. Some studies observed the correlation between TOJ and word recognition, and argued for the possible underlying general auditory processing deficicy of dyslexia; others, however, held the stance that speech specific perception rather than TOJ should be critical for word recognition. In the first experiment, two groups of subjects with high and low character size completed 5 types of TOJ tasks, including 2 linguistic and 3 nonlinguistic tasks, and some reading measures. No group differences were observed among those TOJ tasks, and both groups seemed equally affected by the shortening of ISI, which contradicted the TOJ deficit hypothesis. In the second experiment, broadband Gaussian noise was added to the previous TOJ tasks. The results showed that only the accuracy of the /ㄅㄚ/—/ㄉㄚ/ (/ba/-/da/) in noise task predicted the word recognition ability even when non-verbal IQ, vocabulary, and phonological awareness were controlled. Although Chinese characters are not as transparent as words in alphabet language, the speech perception seems still to play an important role in word recognition.


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