  • 學位論文

Google Books計畫所涉之法律問題研析─以反托拉斯法律相關議題為中心

A Study on Legal Issues of Google Books: Focused on Antitrust Issues

指導教授 : 王明禮


二十一世紀初,引領世界搜尋引擎技術龍頭業者──Google──開始推動Google Books計畫,期能造就世界圖書館。然 Google 的直率作風,使得法律爭議隨之而生,著作權人紛紛對之提出侵權訴訟。雖然雙方當事人在 2008 年時以和解收場,惟問題未因此解決。在和解前討論最為熱烈之議題,即為 Google 利用圖書館館藏是否為合理使用,而不構成侵權?在和解的背後,亦存在其他法律問題,如 Google 是否有實施獨占的嫌疑?著作權人間是否達成水平聯合之共識?以及和解協議對於孤兒著作授權所為的處置是否妥適?等等爭論。 本研究之目的在於,結合法律與經濟理論,藉由不同的思維與觀察角度分析與推演問題本質,並以反托拉斯法律爭議為研究主軸。於論述過程中,首先界定市場範圍與競爭廠商,嘗試援引雙邊市場理論為市場結構分析之論述基礎。筆者將 Google Books 的產品劃分為:非孤兒著作與孤兒著作,並大膽推論,在非孤兒著作產品市場中,現今 Google 的地位係位於擁有少數競爭者的雙邊市場內,競爭者目前實力恐無法與之匹敵;而在孤兒著作產品市場中,Google 則處於具有顯著市場力量的地位。 在明確市場範圍後,進而探討和解協議中主要爭議:是否構成獨占與聯合行為,最後並據此提出對於 Google 最具爭議性之部分──孤兒著作──之解決方案。本文認為基於社會資源有效配置及公共利益考量,應讓這些著作繼續予 Google 利用,然於此同時,由於法院賦予其相對優勢,故 Google 亦應如電信業者提供關鍵設施予其他電信業者利用般,提供這些著作予其他競爭者,以維持市場競爭秩序。至於其他著作權人明確的著作,便由各廠商各憑本事爭取合作,由市場競爭機制決定孰優孰敗。


In less than a decade, Google, the world''s leading online search service provider, has quietly built up a digital library that would make available millions of books to anyone with a link, from anywhere around the world. The now famous—and controversial—Google Books project has scanned books from numerous libraries without explicit authorization from the copyright holders. Unsurprisedly, Google drew the ire of authors and publishers; a massive class action ensued. On October 28, 2008, Google reached a tentative settlement agreement with authors and publishers, which is still under review by the court as of this writing. Other than copyright issues, critics of the deal have voiced concerns over antitruste issues, in particular the possibility that Google Books might become a de facto monopoly over digital books, in both regular works and so-called orphan books alike. Also of suspicion is the potential cartel by copyright holders, facilitated by Google. This thesis aims to address the above concerns with helps from legal and economics theories, including recent discussions on multi-sided markets. I would try to define the markets, identify relevant market participants, and assess the status of market competiton. I would go on to argue that Google could face substantial competition in the market of non-orphan works, but is likely to become a de facto monopolist in orphan works but for timely intervention. The thesis would also attempt to propose some feasible remedies that could be implemented in various time frames that might help alleviate the concern.


專書 (依作者姓氏筆劃排序)
期刊論文 (依作者姓氏筆劃排序)
研究報告 (依作者姓氏筆劃排序)
3. 蔡明誠、陳柏如,《國際著作權仲介團體之研究》,經濟部智慧財產局研究報告,2003年6月。
9. 蔡明誠、陳柏如,《國際著作權仲介團體之研究》,經濟部智慧財產局研究報告,2003年6月。


