  • 學位論文

應用Google 服務於資訊公司知識管理效益之研究-以C資訊公司為例

Research on the Application of Google Services to Knowledge Management Benefits of Information Company - An Example of C Company

指導教授 : 黃天麒


二十一世紀是一個資訊大爆炸的時代,隨著資訊技術的普及與進步,當各行各業能夠取得更多資訊、輔助決策並且產生更多知識時,這些知識要如何保存與應用於企業內部,是企業必須思考的議題。由於Google服務的便利性,讓更多的使用者普遍地使用Google服務於日常生活與工作中;Google更提供了企業級的應用:G Suite,使企業能夠更進一步管理內部文件,達到資訊與知識的有效管理。為了瞭解企業導入G Suite服務並應用於知識管理,是否能夠帶來更高的效益,因此本研究欲探究資訊公司導入G Suite應用於知識管理之使用效益。本研究使用資訊系統成功模式之服務品質與系統品質結合整合性科技接受模式之努力期望、績效期望與行為意圖架構,用於探討G Suite導入是否符合研究理論並且能夠有效提升員工之間的知識與資訊分享流程。 本研究以問卷調查法進行資料的蒐集,使用SPSS統計分析工具進行資料分析與檢驗本研究模型與相關假說。共發放123份問卷,回收100份,問卷回收率為81.30%。研究對象為C資訊公司員工。研究結果證實本研究架構適用於分析G Suite導入應用於知識儲存與利用之效益,且Google服務的資訊品質與系統品質顯著正向影響努力期望與績效期望,努力期望與績效期望顯著正向影響員工的使用意圖,員工使用G Suite的行為意圖也會顯著正向影響知識管理效益。


The 21st century is an era of information explosion. With the popularization and advancement of information technology, when all walks of life can obtain more information, assist decision-making and generate more knowledge, how can this knowledge be preserved and applied to enterprises? It is an issue that companies must think about. Due to the convenience of Google services, more users are generally using Google services for daily life and workplaces; Google also provides enterprise-level applications: G Suite, enabling companies to further manage internal documents to achieve effective management of information and knowledge. In order to understand whether companies can import G Suite services and apply them to knowledge management, and whether this can bring higher benefits, this study attempts to explore the use efficiency of information companies to import G Suite for knowledge management. This study uses the service quality and system quality of the Information System Success (ISS) model combined with the expectation, performance expectation and behavioral intention structure of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to explore whether the G Suite import conforms to the research theory and can effectively improve the knowledge and information sharing process between employees. This study used the questionnaire survey method to collect data, and used statistical analysis tool SPSS to analyze and test the research model and hypotheses. A total of 123 questionnaires were distributed and 100 were collected. The recovery rate of the questionnaire was 81.30%. The research subjects are C company employees. The research results confirm that the research structure is suitable for analyzing the benefits of G Suite import for knowledge storage and utilization, and the information quality and system quality of Google services significantly positively affect the expectation and performance expectation, and the expectation and performance expectation significantly positively affect the employees. Intention to use and the behavioral intention of employees using G Suite will also significantly affect the benefits of knowledge management.


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