  • 學位論文


Electronic modules of Marshall Design Method

指導教授 : 林志棟 洪境聰


台灣區目前的品質管制,大都採用品管人員經驗法則判斷,而此一作法常用導致因經驗的多寡造成判定上的差異。在台灣地區,目前配合設計主要方法都是使用AI MS-2手冊中的馬歇爾配合設計,而一套完整的配合設計常常花費之人力、物力、時間累積起來亦是相當可觀資源花費。在電腦科技日新月異的現在,很多事情不再需要人工判斷,透過設置程序讓電腦代替人腦操作,不僅省時且能增加效率,降低人為錯誤,本研究將建構成立清混凝土配合設計E化模組,其內容包括配合設計資料庫的建立、傳統配合設計的流程化及自動判定、經驗模組的構健、生產管制圖的繪製……等部分,本系統希望能協助瀝青混凝土試驗室進行品質管理相關工作,且希望透過E化經驗資料庫達到節省資源的效用並推廣生產管制圖的概念,使瀝青混凝土生產管理能更落實,進而提昇國內瀝青混凝土拌合廠的水準,提昇道路服務水準。


Taiwan''s current quality control, mostly using rules of thumb to determine the quality control staff, and this practice often led to determine the cause due to the amount of experience on the differences.In Taiwan, the current design of the main methods are used with AI MS-2 Marshall with the design manual, and often a complete design with cost of manpower, material, time is also built up a considerable expenditure of resources.Computer technology is changing rapidly now, a lot of things no longer need to manually determine, through the setup program to operate the computer instead of the human brain, and can not only save time and increase efficiency, reduce human error, this study will be constructed of concrete mix designs established clear of the module E , which includes the establishment of a database with design, with the design process of the traditional and automatic determination, experience, module structure and health, production control mapping ...... and other parts of the system hope to help make asphalt concrete quality control laboratory related work, and want to experience through E oriented database to save resources and to promote the production of the effectiveness of the concept of control charts to make asphalt concrete implementation of production management can be more, and thus enhance the domestic level of asphalt concrete mixing plant, improve road service levels.


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