

本研究主要以「產業經濟學」的角度探討台灣「建築陶瓷(磁磚)」產業的發展與分析,研究架構採用SCP『結構-行為-績效(SCP-Structure-Conduct-Performance)』的架構進行產業的相關研究與分析。 經由SCP『結構-行為-績效(SCP-Structure-Conduct-Performance)』的架構對產業的基本條件、產業的結構、產業廠商的行為、以及產業績效與政府政策的影響進行了探討研究與分析。 產業的基本條件可以了解產業的供給面與需求面。供給面諸如原材料、技術、工會、產品耐久性、價值與重要度、企業的態度、合法的組織…等等;需求面諸如價格彈性、代替性、成長率、循環與季節特性、購買模式、市場型態…等等。 而產業結構的探討包括廠商及購買者數量、產品的差異化、進入的障礙、成本的結構、整合與多角化、產業規模、產業群聚、產業生命週期、網際網路與產業結構…等等,由研究資料得知目前台灣「建築陶瓷(磁磚)」產業為「低度寡佔市場」,且絕大部份為中小型企業,並群聚在台灣北部,網際網路應用不是很普遍,產業也由1994年間的頂盛成熟期轉向衰退期。再探討產業廠商的行為諸如價格決策、產品策略、廣告與通路、研究與創新、廠房設備投資、法律行為…等方面,並對其經濟績效及政府政策的影響進行研究。 除了對產業做分析也增加個案公司的研究,以對應產業與個別廠商之間的關聯性,及相互間的影響及廠商結構模式的如何運用,也從個案中可以了解廠商的行為及其與經濟績效的關係。也探討了世界局勢的政治面、經濟面、社會面、以及環境面的變化與政府的政策對產業及廠商的影響至為重要。 對於產業極為欠缺及所面臨的國際化管理、專業或科技的人才,以及綠色環保低碳產品、大尺寸將是未來發展的主軸與趨勢。ECFA帶來的商機與競爭將是企業的藍海也是紅海,企業突破現狀,創新與差異化,並結合協同合作與網路雲端科技,是企業未來發展的趨勢。從建築規劃設計開始導入企業的服務,配合水平整合與標準配置,創造企業績效與一體化協同服務。 最後針對政府、產業、個案公司、以及產業水平與垂直供應鏈做了建議,期望對產業發展有所幫助與起發,此乃研究的宗旨。


整合 群聚 績效 行為 結構 差異化 創新 廠商 產業 二度燒 一度燒 磁磚 建築陶瓷


In this research, we studied the development of and analyzed the Building Pottery(Ceramic Tile) Industry of Taiwan, in the perspective of Industrial Economics. The research structure is in SCP, the Structure-Conduct-Performance, structure to perform correlation research and analysis of the industry. Under SCP structure, this research studied and analyzed the basic conditions, market structure, conuct, industrial performance and the effects of public policy. In the part of basic conditions of the industry, it is for understanding the supply and demand sides of the industry. The Supply side includes raw materials, technology, unioniztion, durability, value and weight, business attitudes and legal organization… etc. and the demand sides includes price elasticity, substitutes, growth rate, cyclical and seasonal character, purchase mothod, marketing types… etc. In the part of industrial structure, it studies numbers of sellers and buyers, product differentition, barrier to entry, cost structures, integration and diversification, industrial scale, industrial cluster, industrial life cycle, internet and industrial structure..etc. The data came out of the research were found that the Building Pottery(Ceramic Tile) in Taiwan is in Loose Oligopoly Market, and most of the players a medium or small size business and most of them are gathering in northern Taiwan. The application of internet is not common. The industry matured and peaked in 1994 and turned down since then to recession. In addition to analysis of the industry, there are also research of case company, so as to link the industry to the individual firms, as well as the influence to and from and the application of company structure mode. From the case studies, the relationship between behavior and the economic performance of a company. The political, economic and social, as well as environmental perspectives in the world are touched. The changes in state policy have great effect on the industry and firms. The internationalized management skills, the specialized and technical human resources, green and environmental friendly low carbon emission product and large-dimensions products will be the mainstream of future development. The business opportunities brought by ECFA and the competition will be Blue Sea as well as Red Sea to the industry. It will be the trend for a business to break through what the presence is – innovation and differentiation, combined collaboration and network cloud technology, to be able to develop further. It is found that service from building planning is of vital importance, and they should be paired and integrated to create performance of the company as well as integral and collaboration services. This research has also presented suggestions to the government, industry, Case company as well as horizontal and vertical supply chains and it is hoped that the suggestions could mean something and make some difference.


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10.江孟儒,「生胚密度差異所引發之燒結曲率與應用分析」,陶業季刊,中華民國陶業研究學會,2010年第二十九卷 第四期(2010-10),P46-54。
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