  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 劉錦龍


濕地的環境價值往往被人們所忽視,在傳統的觀念裡一般人都將濕地視為荒蕪的沼地,於是有了「化滄海為桑田」的迷失,利用不斷的填土,將濕地開發為良田或是工業區的舉措。2011年,國光石化股份有限公司準備於彰化大城濕地所在地進行大規模的填海造陸工程,並成立石化科技園區,引發國內各界對於產業經濟發展與生態保護兩者之間的重大爭議,環保團體並提出將彰化大城濕地交付環境信託的處理方式。環境信託在我國是相當陌生的制度,但在英國與日本卻行之百年,為一相當完備的保育制度。 本研究主要是在探討彰化大城濕地交付環境信託在民眾心目中所願意支付的金額(willingness to pay,WTP)採用假設性市場價值評估法(contingent valuation method,CVM)及類似支付卡(payment card)型態的詢價方式來設計問卷。問卷調查同時採用親自訪談,及郵寄問卷之方式進行,問卷資料另應用統計軟體SAS,進行統計及實證模型分析。 由模型估計結果預測值發現,受訪者在願意參與環境信託下,每人願意支付金額為1,668元。以2010年而言,20歲以上人口約1800萬人,在57%的願意參與下,總計大城濕地的環境價值約為172億元。 由模型估計結果預測值發現,受訪者在願意參與環境管理下,每人每年願意支付金額為1,321元。以2010年而言,20歲以上人口約1800萬人,在65%的願意參與下,總計大城濕地的每年的環境價值約為155億元。


The environmental value of wetlands is often overlooked by most people in the traditional concept of wetlands as a barren moor, the use of continuous filling wetlands development as fertile or industrial zone. The case of Kuo Kuang Petrochemical Co., Ltd. to prepare large-scale land reclamation project is located and set up a petrochemical technology park in the Changhua Da-chen wetland has caused major disputes between industrial and economic development and ecological protection of the country. The environmental groups even proposed the environmental Trust approach to protect Changhua da-chen wetlands. Environmental Trust in Taiwan is a very new idea, but the system has been in Britain and Japan for centuries. This research mainly discusses the related issues of the Changhua Da-chen wetlands under the framework of the Environmental Trust. By using the contingent valuation method(CVM), this research focuses on the estimation of the people’s willingness to pay to participate the Environmental Trust Fund. Our results show that the average values of the respondents are willing to pay the amount of NTD1,668 to participate the trust fund. For 2010, there is about 18 million people more than 20-year-old in Taiwan and about 57% of them are willing to participate the system according to our survey, therefore, a total of environmental value of Da-chen wetlands is about NTD17.2 billion. In addition, the average values of the respondents are willing to pay the amount of NTD1,312 to participate the management system, which means a total of environmental value of Da-chen wetlands is about NTD17.2 billion by assuming 65% of the people are willing to participate in the system.


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楊竣宇(2016)。社會與經濟因素對於回收行為影響之分析— 以提升臺灣廢筆記型電腦回收率為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2016.00130
