  • 學位論文


The Study of Relationship among Social Presence, Service Quality and Customer Loyalty in Physical and Online store ─ The Mediation Effects of Trust and Satisfaction

指導教授 : 洪秀婉 陳春希


虛擬通路的興起與原有的傳統實體購物通路兩者形成一種競爭的關係,如今消費者除了希望取得良好商品滿足購物目的外,更渴望能獲得完善的服務增加購物過程中的體驗,而這些服務會改變消費者對商品的認知,進而成為差異化的關鍵。過去企業以價格或促銷等方式做為差異化競爭手段已不再具有優勢,針對網路商店與實體商店環境特性不同,不同通路的社會臨場感高低可能會影響消費者對商店的信任,而實體和網路商店要如何提供完善的服務以增加產品附加價值,並找出能影響消費者內心信任與滿意的服務品質,進而使店家滿足需求建立忠誠逐漸成為消費者心中首選,在實務上已儼然成為現今實體和網路商店經營重要課題。本研究為探究實體和網路商店社會臨場感、服務品質透過信任與滿意度中介與忠誠度之間關係並分析消費者對實體與網路商店服務重視之項目,以在實體商店及網路商店購買服飾經驗的消費者為研究對象,運用網路問卷調查方式蒐集樣本取得794份有效問卷,使用SPSS18進行資料統計分析配合AMOS 20統計軟體進行線性結構方程式驗證,結果顯示社會臨場感與滿意度、核心服務品質與信任、核心服務品質與滿意度、復原服務品質與滿意度、滿意度與信任、信任與忠誠及滿意度與忠誠之間存在顯著正向相關。社會臨場感、核心服務品質、復原服務品質與忠誠度之間存在信任與滿意度中介,影響忠誠度最大因素為核心服務品質,其次為復原服務品質及社會臨場感。在實體和網路商店不同環境下,社會臨場感與信任、社會臨場感與滿意度、滿意度與忠誠之間存在顯著正向相關且在實體商店影響較大;信任與忠誠之間存在顯著正向相關且在網路商店影響較大。希望能夠提供業者具體策略之建議,供未來營運做為參考。


The rise of the virtual channel with the traditional physical channel both the formation of a competitive relationship. Today, consumers hope to obtain good merchandise to meet the shopping purpose, the more eager to get the perfect service to increase the experience in the shopping process. These services will change the awareness of consumers'' goods, and thus become the key to differentiation. Price or promotional manner as a means of competition no longer have an advantage. Online store and physical store environment characteristics are different, the level of the social presence may affect consumers'' trust in the store, physical and online store how to provide better services to increase the added value of products and find out which service quality can affect consumers inner trust and satisfaction, thereby enabling the stores to meet the demand to build loyalty. Firstly, this study to explore the physical and online stores of social presence, service quality through the relationship between trust and satisfaction of intermediary and loyalty.Secondly, analyze the items of great importance to consumers'' physical and online store services. The research object is the consumer who have online and physical store clothing purchasing experience. The use of Internet questionnaires to collect samples obtained 794 valid questionnaires, this research adopts SPSS18 for statistics analysis with the AMOS 20 statistical software to carry out the verification of linear structural equation. The results showed that there is a significant positive correlation between social presence and satisfaction, core service quality and trust, core service quality and satisfaction, recovery service quality and satisfaction, satisfaction and trust, trust and loyalty and satisfaction and loyalty. It has the existence of trust and satisfaction intermediary between social presence, core service quality, and recovery service quality and loyalty. Loyalty is biggest impact factor to the core service quality, followed by recovery service quality and social presence. Under different circumstances in physical and online store, there is a greater significantly positive correlation in the physical store between social presence and trust, social presence and satisfaction, satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, there is a greater significantly positive correlation in the online store between trust and loyalty. This study hope to provide industry specific strategy recommendations for future operation as a reference.


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