  • 學位論文


An Analysis of International Carbon Funds

指導教授 : 邱慈觀


在阻止全球暖化的共識下,聯合國通過一連串防止氣候暖化的法案,包含「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約」、「京都議定書」等,京都議定書衍生碳權供需、形成碳權交易市場、並衍生碳權金融工具。碳權基金在此架構中扮演重要角色。 論文中敘述了碳權基金的成立目的、演變歷程與發展現狀、投資程序與運作結構、碳權基金在不同構面的分析(包含投資策略、資金來源、投資市場…等等)、碳權基金發展的影響因素、獲得碳權方式的比較、與後京都時代碳權市場的展望。 國際貿易是台灣經濟的重要命脈之一,我國各產業、尤其是電子產業在全球供應鏈中佔關鍵位置,未來勢必在碳權市場中有更深的涉入。 2012年底於卡達舉辦的聯合國氣候變化綱要公約締約國第18次會議將決定2013年後的新排放約定,包含各區域排放減量額度、補助因氣候變化受害的弱勢國家…等等,新氣候約定將對碳權市場產生重大影響,本研究亦分析碳權市場趨勢與未來發展之變數。


In order to prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system, United Nation has declared and announced a series of Acts including United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Kyoto Protocol, etc. Carbon market was subsequently formed, allowing parties with commitments under the Kyoto Protocol to track and trade carbon emissions like any other commodity. In time, Carbon trading has further derived into various financial instruments; for which, Carbon Funds demonstrated to have a very important role in this trading system today. This thesis provides an in-depth discussion to the objectives of raising Carbon Funds, its historical and recent developments, investment procedures and operational structure, Carbon Funds analysis under different perspectives (including: investment strategy, funds sources, investment market, etc.), factors in effective to Carbon Funds development, comparative analysis to different carbon credit obtainment methods and futures to post Kyoto Protocol Carbon market. The growth of the Taiwanese economy is heavily reliant on foreign trading under taken by various domestic industries; many of these corporate and firms play an important role in the global supply chain and network, especially the electronics industry. Due to this globalization, Taiwanese domestic enterprises will gradually increase their involvement in carbon trading in the near future. The 18th Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC will be held in Qatar at the end of 2012. A new Protocol is to be generated, including more up to date policies such as carbon footprint limitation in different regions and continents, provide supports to countries damaged by dangerous climate change, etc. The new Protocol is to be in effective beginning 2013 and will enormously impact the current Carbon market. In extension, this research provides forecast to the Carbon market and analysis to market future development variations.


3. World Bank,State and Trends of The Carbon Market 2011,本研究整理。
4. World Bank,State and Trends of The Carbon Market 2011,本研究整理。
1. 行政院環境保護署,國際環保公約簡介,取自:http://www.epa.gov.tw/ch/SitePath.aspx?busin=7603&path=10402&list=10402
15. Wolrd Bank ,Carbon Finance 2010 Annual Report,本研究整理。
41. 「The risks of CDM projects: how did only 30% of expected credits come through?」,法國發展銀行氣候研究中心,2012年1月,取自:http://www.cdcclimat.com/IMG//pdf/12-01_cdc_climat_r_wp12-11_cdm_risks_analysis.pdf

