  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Career Development activities and Knowledge Sharing Behavior: Mediating Effect of Relational Psychology Contract

指導教授 : 劉念琪


知識經濟時代的來臨同時也代表知識工作者的興起,而知識工作者看待『工作』這個概念的意義產生了本質上的變化,知識工作者普遍有較高的自尊需求,在工作上亦偏好尋求生涯發展與成長(Tampoe,1993)。因此生涯發展的概念逐漸獲得重視,企業亦投資更多的人力、物力推行生涯發展活動,而組織在生涯發展活動的推行上強調與員工共同努力,組織必須投資於生涯發展活動為員工建構能長期發展的環境,員工在滿足需求的同時也須以有利於組織的行為回報於組織。因此本研究主要目的在於探討組織生涯發展活動實施程度的不同,是否會影響員工的知識分享行為,以及關係型心理契約對生涯發展活動與知識分享間的中介效果。 本研究以台灣上市櫃企業的工作者為研究對象,利用紙本問卷進行施測,針對81家公司共發出1875份問卷,回收有效問卷共75家公司1520份有效樣本,有效樣本回收率為81%,其中男性為782名(51.4%),女性738名(48.6%),平均年齡為34.62歲。量表經內部一致性分析確定量表的信效度,並以相關分析與階層迴歸分析進行研究假設的檢驗。研究結果發現生涯發展活動實施程度對知識分享有正向的影響;關係型心理契約對生涯發展活動與知識分享有部分中介效果。 就對實務的意義而言,組織推行生涯發展活動的程度越高,有助於關係型心理契約義務的實踐,能促進員工形成關係型心理契約,亦可使員工展現較多的知識分享行為。因此本研究的研究成果,對學術或實務界的應用上,均具有正面效益。


Knowledge workers have become the most important key factor of the competitiveness of an organization when the new era of knowledge economic arrives. The meanings of "work" for knowledge workers are have been changed. Generally, knowledge workers are highly self-esteemed with the need and preference of career development and growth (Tampoe, 1993). Therefore, the attention of the concept of career development is gradually gained and organizations invest more resources to the implementation of career development activities. Organizations must invest in career development activities for staff in order to construct long-term relationships while employees are also required to meet the needs of organization in return of the organizations’ implementation of career development activities. This research is designed to understand how career development activities influences employees’ knowledge sharing behavior and relational psychology contract. Moreover, this study examines if the relational psychology contract mediates the positive relationship between career development activities and employee knowledge sharing behavior. In this research, Taiwan listed companies are taken as sampling main body. This research had sent 1875 questionnaires to 81 companies. There are 1520 questionnaires for 75 companies. The percentage of valid respondents is 81%. There are 782 male (51.4%) and 738 female (48.6%) in respondents. The average age is 34.62 years old. After the works of recording and transforming survey data, we take advantage of statistical analysis, including factor, correlation and regression analysis. Research findings can be summarized as follows. First, the higher degree to implement career development activities, the more likely the employees would increase their knowledge sharing behavior. Second, relational psychology contract could partially mediate the career development activities and knowledge sharing behavior. The results of this study will be provided as references for further researches and practices.


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