  • 學位論文

人力彈性對心理契約之影響 以訓練與生涯規劃為調節變項

Workforce Flexibility and Psychological Contract - Training and Career Planning as Moderators

指導教授 : 劉念琪


在商業環境快速變動以及無法預期的今日,組織體認到「彈性」的重要性。藉由彈性措施,組織可以降低營運成本,並保有足夠的資源來面對外界環境的快速變化與衝擊。近年來,愈來愈多組織希望藉由各種政策與措施,來增加自身的組織彈性,以期待保有競爭優勢以及持續性的成長。 在人力資源管理的領域當中,人力彈性是經常被用來當作增進組織彈性的措施。組織可藉由人力彈性中的功能彈性、數量彈性、時間彈性與財務彈性,來達到提升自身彈性與應變力的效果。 然而,在人力彈性措施被普遍使用的組織中,研究也發現了員工缺乏認同感、組織承諾與工作安全感等心理層面上的負面影響。因此,本研究的目的即是要驗證是否人力彈性措施會對於心理契約造成負面影響。進一步,本研究想探討是否可藉由搭配訓練與生涯規劃,來降低人力彈性措施對心理契約的負面衝擊。 藉由收集75家公司資料與公司內共1520位員工樣本來進行迴歸分析,研究結果顯示,沒有任何一項人力彈性措施與員工心理契約呈現負相關;相反地,功能彈性、財務彈性分別與心理契約呈現出顯著的正向預測力。另一方面,結果顯示當組織提供較多訓練或生涯規劃,來配適高度功能彈性或高度財務彈性時,將對於員工的心理契約帶來顯著的正向效果。相反地,當組織提供較多訓練來搭配高度數量彈性時,則會對員工的心理契約帶來顯著的負向效果。另外,當組織採行高度時間彈性時,相較於搭配高度訓練,採用低度訓練反而可以得到較高的關係型心理契約。 上述研究結果將可提供人力資源管理實務界做為參考,在組織需要增進彈性時,可以考慮採用適當的人力彈性措施,並且可藉由挑選相關適配的人力資源措施,來增進整體的綜效。


While the effect of flexibility in organizations has been extensively investigated, the relationship between workforce flexibility and psychological contract is relatively unexplored. This paper uses questionnaire survey to explore two topics: 1.Workforce flexibility will be negatively related to psychological contract. 2.Training or career planning will moderate the relationship between workforce flexibility and psychological contract and will diminish the negative impact. The research focuses on these 75 companies and the 1520 employees. The data are collected to ascertain these companies HR practices and the employees’ psychological contract, and it is analyzed by correlation analysis and regression analysis. The findings suggest that there is no negative relationship between workforce flexibility and psychological contract. But positive correlations exist in relationships between psychological contract and both functional flexibility and financial flexibility. Further, organizations can use high training or high career planning to fit high functional flexibility or high financial flexibility to increase the employees’ psychological contract. However, in the high numerical flexibility or high temporal flexibility environments, high training will bring negative effect to the psychological contract. These findings have implications for organizations adopting workforce flexibility and developing strategic human resource management.


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