  • 學位論文


A Study on the System of Comprehensive Wastewater Treatment Plant Operation and Management in Industrial Park

指導教授 : 廖述良




In order to advance economic growth, regional prosperity, and development of industrial park, gather and process the wastewater produced after industrial production, decrease the operational cost of factories and carrying capacity of environment, the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs establishes wastewater treatment plants. Since wastewater treatment plants are the core of the industrial parks, well-run operation and management can greatly increase efficiency and benefit. There are 41 wastewater treatment plants under the jurisdiction of Industrial Development Bureau. The managing institution (Service Center of Industrial Park) of early-built wastewater treatment plants was established by the Industrial Development Bureau to manage and operate. However, the poor operation made the wastewater treatment plants stay in deficit for a long time. Therefore, Industrial Development Bureau has continually entrusting part of the wastewater treatment plants to private enterprises since 2001, hope it can take use of the operating philosophy of private enterprise to enhance the performance and decrease the cost of operation, and to raise the financial income of the government, so that the industrial park can have sustainable survival and environment can have sustainable development. This study collects the data of operation management system of wastewater treatment plants, evaluates the efficiency of different operation mode(self-control and OT), and compares this issue in the dimensions of economic, environment, and society, and proposes the best operation mode. As the result of this study, OT wastewater treatment plants are proven to operate better than the self-control ones in economical and environmental dimensions. In the social dimension, the self-control ones better. It shows that the government’s policy is right, and the government should push this policy forward. Moreover, it will be helpful to increase the financial income of the government and develop friendly neighborhood by assisting in processing household use wastewater from nearby community and providing visit and education service in the tolerated range. Shifting from OT to ROT is operation mode in the future.


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Wesley Eckenfelder , W., (2000) “ Industrial Water Pollution Control 3rd Edition,”pp125-129,pp199-207


