  • 學位論文


A Study on the Policy of Wastewater Treatment Plant Operation and Management in Industrial Park

指導教授 : 張添晉


政府自88年起推動公共事務委託民間經營,經濟部工業局為配合政策,自90年起試辦所轄3處工業區污水處理廠公辦民營(OT),其後內政部營建署亦推動公共污水下水道系統之民營化(BOT);至93年止,經濟部工業局轄下37處工業區所設置39座污水處理廠中,計有斗六、全興、芳苑、新竹、仁大、大里及觀音等7處工業區污水處理廠完成公辦民營。茲因工業區污水處理廠公辦民營於國內係屬首創且無前例可循,故該政策正確與否及其污水處理廠營運管理模式是否妥適,引發正反二面之不同議論及說辭,因此工業區污水處理廠公辦民營政策自93年4月後即暫時停止續辦。 本研究以「工業區污水處理廠營運管理政策之研究」為主題,並以經濟部工業局已公辦民營之7處工業區污水處理廠為探討對象,藉由探索性之研究方法,就行政面、法規面、及財務面等不同面向,予以探討工業區污水處理廠公辦民營前後之差別,另佐以新竹及觀音等2處污水處理廠之個案分析,以評估工業區污水處理廠公辦民營政策正確與否;另參考國內外相關民營化的研究、案例及作法,並提出策略性之建議,以供當局之參考。 經本研究結果,工業區污水處理廠公辦民營政策之方向正確,除可節省公務人力及工業區開發管理基金(工基金)預算支出,逐漸改善工基金財務短絀外,更可扶植國內新興環保產業,並藉由引進民間企業經營理念與管理方式,與其他自行操作之污水處理廠相互觀摩學習,將可提升整體工業區污水處理廠之營運績效。


Since 1999 the government has been promoting private operation of public affairs. In line with the policy, the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs has proceeded with a pilot OT scheme for the wastewater treatment plants in three industrial park under its jurisdiction since 2001. Thereafter the Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior has also launched BOT scheme for the public wastewater and sewage system. Of the 39 wastewater treatment plants established in the 37 industrial park under the jurisdiction of the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, BOT has been completed with respect to seven up to 2004, including Douliu, Quanxing, Fangyuan, Xinzhu, Renda, Dali and Guanyin. Since this is the first case of BOT for wastewater treatment plants in industrial park in Taiwan, whether the policy is correct and the wastewater treatment plants are properly operated and managed or not has given rise to much controversy. As a result, implementation of the BOT policy governing wastewater treatment plants in industrial park has ceased since April 2004. Focusing on the policy of operation and management of wastewater treatment plants in industrial park, this study aims to examine the operation and management of the seven wastewater treatment plants for which BOT has been completed by the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs and also to compare wastewater treatment plants before and after BOT from administrative, legal, and financial perspectives. Moreover, the plants in Xinzhu and Guanyin are also analyzed to evaluate whether the BOT policy is correct or not. Reference is also drawn from local and overseas researches, cases and practices, and strategic recommendations are offered to the authority concerned for reference. In conclusion, the BOT policy is correct. Besides saving human resources and expenditure from Industrial Park Development and Management Fund and improving on the financial deficiency of the fund above, the policy can also help advance the development of developing environmental industries in Taiwan. Moreover, by introducing the concept and mode of management prevalent in the private sector and comparing to other self-operated wastewater treatment plants, the policy may enhance the overall performance of wastewater treatment plants in industrial park.


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