  • 學位論文


Investigation on the Characteristics of Management Performance Index of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Industrial Area

指導教授 : 莊順興


自工業區污水處理廠設置以來,經濟部工業局積極朝向使用者付費精神及收支平衡之方向來輔導及督導各工業區污水處理廠,以降低操作成本,以利工業區污水處理廠永續經營,成為水資源環境優良的守護者。因此,工業區污水處理廠的操作及營運管理,為經濟部工業局推動工業區業務中重要且重視的一環。工業區污水處理廠於每年年初均訂定各項的管理績效指標、操作績效指標、維護績效指標及水質檢驗績效指標,作為該污水處理廠當年度的執行目標。 本研究係將各廠之管理績效指標及操作績效指標與各廠之月平均處理水量,以線性迴歸及累積曲線等統計方法來探討其相關性,可作為未來評估各廠訂定績效指標的合理性參考。 研究結果顯示,污水處理廠的處理水量多,相對其收費水量亦高,線性迴歸相關性佳,整體水量收費率達88.43 %,顯示管理績效佳。「COD收費率」及「SS收費率」與污水處理廠處理水量規模大小無正相關性,非大型廠的「COD收費率」及「SS收費率」就高;惟「COD收費率」及「SS收費率」兩者間有正相關性,即「COD收費率」高,則「SS收費率」亦高,因此在廠商端採樣時,需特別注意其採樣方式及水樣的代表性。另單位廢水污泥產生量與處理廢水量之規模無正相關性,建議收集更多資料進一步探討;電力費在整體污水處理廠的操作成本所佔比例偏低,因此,若欲藉由減少動力降低電力費以降低操作成本,成效有限,但具節能減碳之精神,符合現今國家節能方向。


Industrial Development Bureau (IDB), Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan aggressively supervises the wastewater treatment plants in various industrial areas by user charge, as well as balancing the revenue and expenditure. These efforts are used to reduce the cost of plants, to increase the revenue of government, to sustain the operation of plants, and IDB will be the guard to protect the water resource and environment. Therefore, the operation and management of wastewater treatment plants in various industrial areas are emphasized when IDB runs the routine business for industrial affairs. The key performance indices (KPIs) of plants are set for management performance, operational performance, maintenance performance and water quality in the beginning of a business year. This study uses statistical method: linear regression and cumulative curve to analyze the data of management performance, operational performance and monthly capacity of processing wastewater from plants, the research results are valuable to set the goals of KPIs. Research results indicate that if a plant has a larger capacity of processing wastewater, then its charged quantity of processing wastewater is huge, and its wastewater pricing is high. In addition, the pricing of COD and SS are independent from the scale/capacity of plant. The pricing of COD and SS are higher for a small or medium size of plant. There is a positively linear relationship between COD pricing and SS pricing: if the COD pricing is high, then the SS pricing is high. Thus, the water inspector should watch out the sampling and adequate samples when collecting the water data. Finally, consider a plant, the generated quantity of wastewater sludge is also independent from the capacity of processing wastewater, and the electricity fee contributes the minor percentage of total cost for a wastewater treatment plant. Therefore, reducing the electricity fee will not strongly stimulate the plants for investing capacity, it only matches the national policy for saving energy and emission of carbon.


Smith,P. and D. Mayston(1987),“Measuring efficiency in the public sector,〞Omega International Journal of Management Serivice,No 15,pp181-9。
