  • 學位論文


The influence of motivation and scaffolding on students’ visual programming learning performance

指導教授 : 劉旨峰




The main purpose of this dissertation was to investigate the influence of scaffolding and learning motivation on students’ programming learning performance. There were 208 junior high school students participated in the study. The results indicated that intrinsic, extrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, learning motivation and learning anxiety were positively correlated with learning performance. The results of regression analysis indicated that self-efficacy is an effective predictor of learning performance. It was also found that students with high self-efficacy would use more self-regulated learning strategies than students with moderate self-efficacy. Furthermore, we found a significant interaction between scaffolding and learning motivation regarding their influence on their learning performance. The introduction of scaffolding did not have a significant effect on the learning performance of students with high self-efficacy; however, scaffolding had pronounced benefits for students with lower self-efficacy. According to the findings, we proposed some suggestions for programming instruction, and some directions for future studies.


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