  • 學位論文


Effects of Individual Differences on an MMORPG for English Learning

指導教授 : 楊接期


單字為英語溝通之最小單元,文法句型影響著英語句子的整體涵義,這兩個要素在正規英語教學上扮演關鍵角色。而在英語教學課程中,至今仍以傳統的教學方式居多,缺乏樂趣的教學方式導致學生對於英語學習喪失動機,而學習動機卻關係者語言學習的成敗,因此教育者偏好使用悅趣化學習以激發學生的動機,雖然使用動機提升了但成效往往不如預期,推估學生會著重於遊戲操作上而忽略學習內容。有鑑於此,本研究提出以大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲為基礎,塑造仿如真實情境般的虛擬空間,將教學內容透過故事描述並結合任務式教學法設計,使學生能夠藉由情境元件的表現而瞭解內容涵義。遊戲與學習緊密結合,提供線上機制及實體教室兩種社群管道,讓同儕間能夠互助合作,降低遊戲技巧不足可能造成之影響,以提升整體教學效果。   為考量個別差異對不同教學方式產生的影響,本研究設計一線上遊戲輔助英語字彙及句型理解之實驗,探討不同英語學業成就與線上遊戲經驗兩種個別差異對使用本系統的學習成效,及在學習信心、焦慮、動機、滿意度與心流經驗的學習經驗感受。經由自編英語成就測驗與改編之學習經驗問卷分析,實驗結果證實,英語學習線上遊戲能夠輔助字彙及句型的理解。四組個別差異組比較之後,發現高英語成就/低線上遊戲經驗組的進步分數最為顯著;高英語成就/高線上遊戲經驗組的進步分數略高於低英語成就/低線上遊戲經驗組,且兩組皆有達顯著進步水準;而其中低英語成就/高線上遊戲經驗組在英語成效表現上無顯著進步。受試者在學習經驗方面,給與系統正向的信心、動機及滿意度,在使用過程中能感受心流經驗的產生。而個別差異組間的結果分析,只有在不同英語成就條件下,低英語成就組的學習焦慮程度高於高英語成就組。   本研究於實驗後進行事後訪談,發現在教室中進行英語學習線上遊戲,由於同學間彼此熟識進而提高發問頻率,且面對面討論互動的方式對於學習有加分的作用;此外,遊戲中的情境設計使學生在學習過程中能接收充分教學提示。最後,整理歸納系統的改善建議,其中包含任務內容難易度調整與個別差異偏好控制項等,希望能夠對日後使用使用大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲進行英語學習時,能夠因材施教,以達到更好的學習輔助效果。


Vocabulary is the basic component of English, and sentence patterns affect meanings. Both vocabulary and sentence patterns play essential roles in English learning. In traditional English education, most teachers used lecture-oriented methods, which might kill students’ learning motivation–an important element for language learning. Therefore, these years there have been a number of studies applying game-based learning in English education. However, very often it is found that games increase students'' learning motivation but fail to promote thier learning achievement as too much attention has been paid to game operation or pursuit of game progress. To avoid this condition, this study proposes a massively multiplayer role-playing online game (MMORPG) for a virtual English learning environment,  combining traditional English material with situational context  in the form of task-based learning.  Conducted in a physical class, such a learning activity can reduce the effect of low computer skills and facilitate discussion and interaction to achieve learning goal.  This research develops an online game for learning English vocabulary and sentence patterns and discusses learning outcomes and learning experience by investigating individual differences such as participants’ English ability and online-game experience. Through the results from an English comprehension test, it verifies that this English learning online game is effective in assisting English learning. Analyzing the data of the individual differences of four groups, it is shown that high English ability brings a positive effect on learning achievement while low English ability performs less learning effectiveness, and that low online-game experience positively affects learning achievement while high online-game experience brings little help in learning achievement. Furthermore, interaction is found between these two individual differences, suggesting that both factors should be taken into account when assessing the effectiveness of learning tools. From the in-depth interviews of extreme samples from the four groups some suggestions about how to improve the system are gathered, and the experimental group subjects showed positive attitude toward their learning experience with this MMORPG.


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