  • 學位論文


Moving toward active reading- constructing scaffolding tool for inquiry based reading on e-books

指導教授 : 黃興燦 陳國棟


使學生能夠主動閱讀長久以來一直是教育研究者努力的目標,許多的增進學生主動閱讀的策略也已被提出,但在目前教育體制下仍有多數學生選擇被動的接受學校、課本與老師所告知的所有資訊而非主動探究。本研究參考了許多主動學習相關的理論,選擇以「提問題」和「找答案」的方式作為使學生達到主動閱讀的方法,並整合多項策略將其稱為「探索發問式閱讀」。 許多研究已證明由學生自己提問的方式輔助閱讀具有可以達到主動閱讀、提升專注、獨立思考、增加閱讀理解等功能。然而,實際運用上仍有困難:「學生沒有能力在閱讀時提出問題」以及「學生沒有意願在閱讀時提出問題」。為了解決目前所遇到的困難,本研究以數位化的方式發展了一套電子教科書的輔助工具使學生在閱讀教科書時能夠更有效的實作探索發問式閱讀,並參考Ambrosio 於2004年在 “Asking as You read”中所提到的閱讀方法設計一個四階段的探索發問式閱讀訓練流程,將電子書工具加入訓練流程中輔助學生學習此閱讀方式。為了驗證解決方法,進行了32位大學生為受試者的實驗比較使用本電子書輔助工具的學生與使用如Ambrosio教學時所使用的紙、筆、表格接受訓練的兩組學生在訓練過後學習探索發問式閱讀成效上的差異。實驗結果顯示,使用電子書工具接受訓練的學生在多項學習成效的評量中皆有顯著高於使用紙筆表格的學生。


電子書 主動學習 提問


Reading actively helps students become better readers. Unfortunately, students in modern education system have to acquire so plentiful knowledge in textbook that they absorb them all passively like sponge absorbing water without active participation and thinking. Therefore, strategies have been proposed to teach students active reading. Questioning is a very important strategy for successful active reading. In this paper, we synthesized some reading strategies such as SQ3R, self-questioning, and QARs into “inquiry based reading”. The main spirit of inquiry based reading is “asking questions” and “finding answers”. However, it is difficult for most students to implement while reading. The reason can be generalized as two major problems: (1) students have no capability to ask questions and (2) they have no motivation to ask questions while reading. As a result, we bring up a training process and a scaffolding tool on an e-book to solve these two problems. A validation of the instrument is processed containing 32 undergraduate students. The results show that the training process is effective. Also, students who used the scaffolding tool have learned inquire based reading better after training.


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