  • 學位論文


Measuring Coupling Relationships among Java Classes

指導教授 : 李允中


軟體品質的優劣在於一個軟體系統是否容易擴充與維護。良好的物件導向開發技術提供完善的軟體架構,讓軟體開發人員易於擴充新需求以及維護舊有的系統。在軟體系統中,低耦合為良好的物件導向設計所追求的目標。為了量測軟體系統是否易於維護,明確定義在程式中各類別間的耦合關係通常是重要且有幫助的。本論文檢視了Java 規格書,從Java語言定義整理出完整的語法案例,並針對Hitz和Montazeri所提出的類別層級耦合框架,擴充其不足及缺失的部分。藉由新的框架,明確的定義在不同類別間,其耦合強度的量化資訊。最終,我們實作了一個Java程式語言分析工具。藉由此工具軟體開發人員不只可量測類別間的耦合強度,也可利用此工具進行程式碼分析領域的各項研究。


軟體維護 耦合 程式碼分析


Low coupling can always be regarded as indicators of good design quality in terms of software maintenance. In order to maintain source code in software systems, it is crucial and always helpful to identify the coupling relationships among classes. In this research, we explore all the possible coupling relationships among java classes by extending a coupling measurement framework proposed by Hitz and Montazeri. Finally, we provide a code analysis tool for parsing Java open source project.


code analysis software maintenance coupling


[5] L. Briand, J. Daly, J. Wtist, “A Unified Framework for Coupling Measurement in Object-Oriented Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering: to be published, 1998. Also Technical Report ISERN-96-14.
[1] W. Stevens, G. Myers, and L. Constantine, “Structured Design,” IBM Systems J., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 115-139, 1974.
[2] J. Eder, G. Kappel, and M. Schrefl, “Coupling and Cohesion in Object-Oriented Systems,” Technical Report, Univ. of Klagenfurt, 1994.
[3] M. Hitz and B. Montazeri, “Measuring Coupling and Cohesion in Object-Oriented Systems,” Proc. Int’l Symp. Applied Corporate Computing, Monterrey, Mexico, Oct. 1995. A version of this paper (focusing on coupling only) has been published in Object Currents, vol. 1, no. 4, SIGS Publications, 1996. http://www.sigs.com/publications/
[4] Measures for C++,” Proc. 19th Int’l Conf. Software Eng., ICSE’97, Boston, pp. 412-421, May 1997L. Briand, P. Devanbu, and W. Melo, “An Investigation into Coupling

