  • 學位論文


A study of the relationship between the strategic alliances and the alliances performance

指導教授 : 劉佳玲 洪清德


在競爭激烈的環境下,許多企業開始由單打獨鬥,進而轉向外界尋求合作對象,以突破自身的經營困境與技術瓶頸,並獲取策略性利益及提高自身競爭力等相關利益。現今的企業將越來越重視商業間的合作行為,策略聯盟早在國內外已經風行許久,且合作對象越來多元,不再僅限於國內的廠商,與國外廠商建立國際聯盟的本土廠商更是族繁不及備載,且尋求合作之動機更是形形色色。有鑑於此,策略聯盟的相關議題在學術界及業界亦被逐漸重視,然而並非只要與夥伴建立聯盟就可以穩操勝算或高枕無憂,合作過程更不可能永遠一帆風順,因此在簽約合作之前,必須慎重考量許多現實層面,並詳細估其可行性,而策略聯盟的動機及夥伴的選擇更是至關重要,這些因素皆會對往後的合作行為中造成影響,而雙方的合作行為和聯盟的運作情形又會對聯盟績效造成影響,甚至攸關到整個聯盟的成敗,因此必須謹慎看待。   一般來說,策略聯盟是在不同的企業之間建立夥伴關係,而合作的夥伴廠商只要能夠良好地運用聯盟的力量,必能為自己找到許多的發展機會,若能有效結合其互補性資源,將能創造出彼此間的競爭優勢,且策略聯盟的範圍頗廣,舉凡授權、交叉持股、共同研發、聯合行銷、合資等形式,皆屬於策略聯盟的一環。   本文主要探討企業聯盟與聯盟績效之影響,本研究藉由個案訪談方式,深入訪談具有參與或建立企業策略聯盟經驗之企業管理階層,深入探討策略聯盟與其績效之研究,經由文獻回顧,訪談設計,建立研究架構,並以策略聯盟之合作動機、聯盟夥伴的選擇條件及聯盟管理運作行為等構面,來探討策略聯盟影響合作績效之因素。最後,本文將針對訪談個案內容分析,進而提出命題假設,並提出適當的研究建議對策,期望能對企業進行策略聯盟活動時能夠有所幫助。


In order to overcome the difficulties of their own business and technical bottlenecks in the competitive environment, many companies begin to collaborate with other partners to enhance their competitive advantages rather than work by themselves. In light of this, the related objectives of strategic alliance gradually come to prominence in the academic field and the industry. However, it does not guarantee success once you form alliance with partners. The process of cooperation can not always be smooth. Thus, before estblishing a relationship, you must carefully consider the feasibility and all the details. The motivation of strategic alliances and selection of partners are crucial for the success of the alliances.   In general, the strategic alliance is a partnership between companies. As long as they make good use of the partnership, the firms should be able to find more opportunities. If companies combine the complementary business resources of each other efficiently, the competitive advantage of each other will be created. There are different kinds of strategic alliances such as licensing, intersection holdings, joint product development, joint marketing, joint ventures and other forms.   This article aims to investigate the factors influencing the success of alliances and alliance performance. Through case interviews with the business executives who had experiences on participating in or setting up a business strategic alliance, I develop a research framework first. Then I discuss cooperative motivations, partner selections and alliance management behavior dimensions to investigate the factors influencing alliance performance. Finally, I conclude with a discussion of the findings and provide direction of futher research.


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