  • 學位論文


Factors influencing Repurchase Intention: The Case of F Gas Station.

指導教授 : 阮金聲


促銷是各業者普遍採用進入市場或為了保有顧客經常使用的行銷手法, 整個石油產業從中油獨家生產,獨占銷售市場,到台塑加入產銷行列後,形 成雙頭寡占的競爭市場結構,而隨著市場的開放,多元化的油品供應與銷售 市場將開啟一個新的油品市場典範,從某種角度看,一個典範的存在說明了 一場競賽的存在,以及相關的競賽規則。廠商為了增加銷售量與提高獲利, 除了從產品的創新與改良、提升品質著手外,更常藉由各種促銷活動以吸引 更多消費者的注意,期望能獲得消費者的青睞以增加產品的銷售量。 促銷方式對消費者利益有何影響又兼提高公司業績,是本研究探討動機。 究竟哪些類型的促銷策略能給予消費者較高的利益,甚至產生對於特定促銷 方式的偏好?在促銷利益未有顯著差異性情況下,消費者應無促銷利益的額 外感受,不免產生促銷疲態,促銷效果往往無法符合業者的預期。 本研究之研究目的為:(1)探討服務品質認知對顧客滿意度之影響。(2) 探討顧客滿意度對再購意向之影響。(3)探討顧客選擇促銷方式對其服務品 質認知影響。(4)探討服務品質認知與再購意向的關係。(5)探討促銷方式影 響再購意向之程度。(6)探討促銷方式與顧客滿意度的關係。(7)建立服務品 質認知、顧客滿意度、促銷方式與再購意向間的完整關係架構。 本研究首先依據文獻探討建構研究架構,並發展問卷設計,同時選擇F 加油站為實證對象。研究結果顯示:服務品質認知和顧客滿意度正向影響再 購意向;服務品質認知正向影響顧客滿意度;降價促銷和贈送贈品兩種促銷 方式的顧客滿意度和服務品質認知並不相同。


In order to retain customers, organizations usually employ various promotion strategies to enhance customer satisfaction and thereby improve customers’ re-purchase intention. But exactly what kinds of promotional strategies produce higher customer satisfaction? What other factors, in addition to promotion, also affect customer satisfaction and re-purchase intention? The answers to the above-mentioned questions will benefit organizational executives in planning their marketing strategies. This study explored the factors influencing customers’ re-purchase intention and the effects of different promotion on customers’ perception of service quality, customer satisfaction, and re-purchase intention. 290 questionnaires were collected from the customers of a gas station. Analyses of the data revealed the followings: 1. Perceived service quality and customer satisfaction had positive impacts on re-purchase intention. 2. Perceived service quality had a positive impact on customer satisfaction. 3. Different promotion strategies had different perceived service quality and customer satisfaction.


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