  • 學位論文


An Analysis of CGPS Stations in Taiwan and Effect on TWD97

指導教授 : 鄭凱謙


臺灣位於歐亞板塊與菲律賓海板塊交接處,屬於聚合性板塊邊界,造山活躍造成多處地區有斷層帶。除了地表破裂所造成的同震位移以及震前震後地層受力情形之改變,均有可能造成測站座標、速率以及方向的改變。台灣現今之大地基準TWD97 (Taiwan Datum 1997) ,自2001年內政部公布以來已超過10年,由於TWD97所提供之點位座標為固定在1997.0曆元,有鑑於台灣所處的構造活躍特性,會逐漸與實際的情況產生脫節,因此TWD97的更新有其必要性。 本研究利用1996年至2007年台灣內政部7個GPS連續觀測站鳳林(FLNM)、墾丁(KDNM)、金門(KMNM)、馬祖(MZUM)、北港(PKGM)、太麻里(TMAM)、陽明山(YMSM)與國際IGS (International GNSS Service)網聯測方式,解算七個GPS連續觀測站之速度場並探討其時空特性,並透過時間序列的分析,剔除地震所造成的同震位移與震間變形的影響,以此來評估速度場。本試驗與中央研究院地球所GPS Lab的解算結果整體相符,除在KDNM的U方向、TMAM的E方向以及YMSM的U方向以外,整體相關係數都高於0.7。以1999年9月21日集集地震以及2002年3月31日『331地震』為分割點將時間序列切割為三段,以此來推估速度場以瞭解框架的變形情形。 以絕對速度向量而言,KMNM、MZUM、PKGM與YMSM在時段中呈現一致的方位,但PKGM在集集地震前後時間序列中呈現兩段不同的線性走勢,而FLNM、KDNM與TMAM方向較不固定。同震位移剔除後,KMNM、MZUM與YMSM可以單一線性來進行速度評估,但FLNM、KDNM與TMAM則需以分段的方式來處理。相對KMNM的速度向量大致變化不大,FLNM、KDNM與TMAM則是往方位角280至320度的方向以35.6至48.48 mm/yr的速度移動。 本研究所推估出來在ITRF05的速度場透過七參數相似轉換後,發現TWD97與實際框架已相差約十多公分。


時間序列 TWD97 GPS


Taiwan is located at the boundary of the Eurasian and the Philippine Sea plates with active orogeny and seismological activities. These geophysical phenomena cause significant surface deformation, and thus presents challenge to the geodetic datum used in Taiwan, namely, the Taiwan Datum 1997 (TWD97), which is the fixed at the epoch of 1997.0. Seven Continuous GPS (CGPS) stations managed by the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) were selected with the data from 1996–2007 in this study. They were calculated based on the CGPS from International GNSS Service (IGS) in the vicinity. The resulting time series were used to analyze their temporal and spatial characteristics. The results of this study were consistent to the result posted by the GPS Lab of the Academic Sincina, with an overall 0.7 correlation. Two distinct jumps in the time series of these stations were found: the Chi-Chi Earthquake (1999/9/21) and the 331 Earthquake (2002/3/31) and they are used later as the break points for the linear trend (the velocity) determination. The absolute velocity vectors at KMNM, MZUM, PKGM, and YMSM are consistent in azimuth, and that of PKGM shows 2 different linear trend. When the coseismic displacements were removed, we concluded that KMNM, MZUM and YMSM can be treated as one single linear trend. The relative velocity vectors of the stations (with respect to KMNM) exhibit consistent result and the direction of FLNM, KDNM and TMAM are among 280–320º with the magnitude of 35.6–48.48 mm/yr. The result in this study is in ITRF05 and it is compared to the coordinates of each station in the TWD97 after 7-parameter similarity transformation. It is found that the discrepancy is 10 cm.


Time series TWD97 GPS


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