  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship among Leadership Attributes, Leadership Style and Operational Managementin Construction Industry

指導教授 : 廖則竣


在整個大經濟環境體系中,國家若面臨經濟上的困勢,常用的模式便是投入大量公共工程以帶動整體經濟繁榮。此產業環境相當複雜,資本結構則因所承攬工程之大小不同而各異,就業人口眾多,施工過程的不確定性與風險性極高,其領導人更背負企業責任與承擔整體風險,因此領導人掌握營造業的經營管理之道顯得相當重要,領導人個人特質與領導風格常是產業中的經營策略與管理層面中重要的一環,我們希望透過瞭解領導人個人特質與風格與經營管理的影響,進而幫助營造廠商透過管理層面建立其競爭優勢。 本研究主要採取個案研究法,為能將營造業經營成果真實反應,資料的蒐集方式是以五家個案公司提供之次級資料與個案領導人、中高階主管與基層主管三人作深度訪談方式進行,並將訪談做成書面資料,再參考其他相關資料及網站訊息做為參考,經過上述方式,本研究發現領導特質對營造產業而言,其積極主動、謹慎計畫、效率學習、爭取勇氣、尊重關懷、團體協調、精益求精等特質,表現在監督能力、成就需求、自我實現、自信心、智力、決斷力上並妥善運用資金、人事、產業協調與人際關係上對產業經營成果具良好正面影響。 另一方面領導風格對營造產業而言,不論是參與民主、諮商民主、仁慈權威、壓榨權威,其在上下游產業與同業間的技術交流或協調、企業的營運能力等表現上對產業經營成果都具良好正面影響。其中以參與民主式運用團體力量,四構面都展現最滿意成效。諮商民主式在企業擴張時得到支持,仁慈權威式在營運上顯的優柔寡斷,成效滿意度較弱,壓榨權威式在營運上顯得保守,各有其獨特優、劣勢。 對於營造產業經營領導人而言,透過對領導人特質與風格的研究,對企業領導人在做經營管理決策時,進一步了解相關影響性,可幫助長期經營管理,以自身特質與掌握領導風格為企業提昇經營之成效。


In the whole economic environment system, if the country faces the economic dilemma, the commonly used method is to invest a lot of public construction to drive the economic prosperity. The environment of construction industry is complicated and theircapital structure is also different becausethe size of construct project is different. The construction industry has a large employed population, uncertainty and high risk in the construction process. Becausethe leader bear corporate responsibility and all the overall risk, the management model is become more important. The leadership attributes and leadership style both are important of operation strategy and management. Through understanding the effort of the leadership attributes and leadership style, we can help the construct corporate to build competitive advantage on management. This study uses the way of case study. For illustrating the real result of operation, the data collection is the secondary data from five company, and use in-depth interview to their leader, managers and employee, and refer to other relational data and web information. According to the way above, this study find the leadership attributes and the leader style both positively influences the result of operation. For the construction industry, whenCEO make the operation decision, who can further understand relevant influence through the study ofleadership attributes andleadership style that can help long-term operation management, by use their attributes and leader style to promotethe performance of operation.


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