  • 學位論文


A Study of “Free marriage” Concept in Late Qing Dynasty Novel--Focus on “Free marriage”, “Female Prison Flower”﹐“Yellow Hydrangea”﹐ “Women’s rights” and “Chivalry Girl”

指導教授 : 黃錦珠


晚清西風東漸,有識之士對傳統婚制提出質疑,倡導「自由結婚」,主張須依據當事人意願締結婚姻。男女由傳統婚姻中的被動身分,轉而替自己作主。「自由結婚」以男女感情為基礎,因此,交際往來是「自由結婚」的前提,無論是藉由通信往來或在公開場合見面,男女必須有培養感情的機會。通信交往或進入公共場合交際,都強調女子必須接受教育,興女學於是與「自由結婚」產生密切關係。傳統婚姻強調家族責任與義務,「自由結婚」則強調夫婦間的感情,感情的交流乃立基於婚前往來、男女具有平等地位的前提,爭女權於是又與「自由結婚」密切相關。但社會的傳統舊習浸染已深,「自由結婚」的新式婚姻主張,未必能立刻獲得支持。處於晚清新舊婚姻主張交替的階段,當時提及婚姻議題的小說,多呈顯各自對婚姻的表述,道出婚姻中諸多夫婦問題,描繪理想的婚姻形態與夫妻相處方式。本論文試圖以晚清提及婚姻議題的五部小說,震旦女士自由花《自由結婚》(1903)、王妙如《女獄花》(1904)、頤瑣《黃繡球》(1905-1907)、思綺齋《女子權》(1907)、問漁女史(邵振華)《俠義佳人》(1909-1911)為研究對象,分析文本中呈顯的婚姻問題、婚姻生活狀況與理想的婚姻形態等面向,並試圖歸納此中所蘊含的「自由結婚」觀。研究發現,上述小說多能肯定「自由結婚」重視男女情感與婚姻當事人自我做主的兩大主張,並在描述傳統婚姻中夫婦生活時,指出未有感情基礎是導致夫婦生活不睦的主因,透過對新、舊式婚姻的描繪,表達了贊同「自由結婚」的想法。然而,在婚禮儀式上,仍兼顧傳統婚制,採行父母與媒妁做主的方式,唯婚姻內在精神,由「自由結婚」所取代。時人一方面認同新式婚姻的主張,另一方面又接納傳統婚制的形式,表現了兼融新舊的調和式做法,可見當時的婚姻做法既有突破,也有守成的多元面向。多部小說也描述到不婚的選擇,其不婚的理由,反映晚清救亡圖存的觀念滲透到小說中,並藉由肯定不婚的做法,間接贊同婦女應替國家盡義務,也不妨追求個人自由的想法。透過小說中各自對婚姻的表述,以及對「自由結婚」的理解,可以概見晚清多變的「自由結婚」觀。 關鍵詞:晚清小說、「自由結婚」、《自由結婚》、《女獄花》、《黃繡球》、《女子權》、《俠義佳人》


As the late Qing Dynasty had been deeply westernized, people started to question on the traditional marriage rules, and started to advocate “free marriage”, that is, the requirement of a marriage must based on mutual consensus. In other words, men and women are free from the passive position in arranged marriage, and they owned to right to make the decision of choosing a spouse. Thus, the premise of a relationship was “free marriage”. No matter people choose to communicate through letters or meeting in public, there would be opportunities for them to getting to know each other and develop relationships. Therefore, being educated is a prerequisite for women back then if they wanted to be presentable whether in written or verbal. This was the cause-effect relationship between “free marriage” and female education. Traditional marriage stressed on family responsibilities and duties. On the contrast, “free marriage” emphasized on the emotional attachment between the married spouses since the relationship was now based on pre-marriage phase and equal rights between two sexes. Thus, “free marriage” also caused to trend of fighting for women’s right. Since the idea of arrange marriage was deeply rooted in the society, the idea of “free marriage” was not accepted nor supported right back when it was advocated. However, the literature world had reflected favors on “free marriage” in many prospects. There were many novels contained descriptions on marriage, problem between spouses and the ideal marriage form and relationship. In this thesis, 5 late Qing novels were analyzed as study materials. They were “Free Marriage” (1903) by CHEN, Tan-Nu-Shih-Tzu-Yu-Hua, “Female Prison Flower” (1904) by WANG, Miao-Ju, “Yellow Hydrangea” (1905-1907) by YI, So, “Women’s Rights” (1907) by SU, Chi-Chai and “Chivalry Girl” (1909-1911) by WEN,Yu-Nu-Shih (SHAO, Chen-Hua). These novels were used to analyze and evaluate many different aspects regarding marriages to conclude an integrated idea of “free marriage”. After reviewing these novels, it is certain to say the concept of “free marriage” and autonomy were proposed and confirmed in these late Qing literatures. What is more, they all pointed out the lack of mutual consensus between couples when building a relationship or marriage was the most important factor that caused disagreement. Through different description on arrange marriage and “free marriage” in these novels, it is clear these late Qing authors all agreed on the idea of “free marriage” while the traditional wedding ceremony and routine to propose were still valued. In other words, the essence of marriage was replaced by being love first. Thus, people at the time started to recognize the new thinking of marriage, but they also accepted the traditional form of wedding ceremony. This was a mixture of new and old. The breakthrough had been done, but the traditions had not totally disappeared. Furthermore, the novels also illustrated the idea of staying out of marriage and the reasons to reflect the national movement in late Qing. Therefore, women can chose to stay single and contribute whatever they could for the country while strived for their personal freedom. In conclusion, through different description and illustration regarding marriage in these novels, we could see the idea of “free marriage” had already taken place and evolved in late Qing. Keyword:Late Qing Novel、“Free marriage”、Free marriage、 Female Prison Flower、Yellow Hydrangea、Female’s Rights、Chivalry Girl


