  • 學位論文


A Study On Soft Power Of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Under Globalization

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


本文係以美國學者奈伊(Joseph S. Nye)所提出的軟實力(soft power)之概念出發,尋求國際合作空間:首先界定台灣的軟實力可分為以下三方面:文化吸引力、民主價值以及「主要以非政府間組織作為主體的」社會交流;並列舉以軟實力開創銜接國際平台的實證。軟實力的觀點近年來逐漸受到各國的重視,進而重塑各國的外交思維與政策;台灣雖小,但儼然是一個現代民主化國家,可以藉由豐沛的軟實力,爭取外交空間、鞏固邦交。 台灣的社會文化充滿著複數傳統及多元文化的交會,這些都是發展文化創意產業的豐厚元素,晚近的人文思潮,強調的是對基本人權的尊重、對弱勢族群權益的伸張、對多元文化主義、對生物多樣性與原住民族議題的鼓吹,在在使得台灣原住民族的國際能量與日俱增,透過與其他原住民族民間團體的交流,尚能與世界各主要國家保有實質的政治與經貿關係。台灣若能善用原住民族的文化藝術條件,帶動社會文化的整體活力,或能標示出台灣人文與經濟的全球定位。 本文從軟實力及全球化的理論論述出發,探討其理論概念對台灣拓展外交有何啟示,進而探索我國原住民族軟實力的概念,並以文化資源、文創產業、國際非政府組織等面向探討我國外交的現今情況,進而思考我國當前及未來可以努力的外交方向。


This study aims to seek possibilities of international cooperation between nations based on the concept of soft power proposed by American scholar, Joseph S. Nye. Taiwan soft power can be divided into three aspects: cultural attraction, democratic values and social interaction based on the non-governmental organization. Besides, this empirical study exemplifies the idea of soft power connected with the international platform.Recently, the viewpoint of soft power has been taken into serious consideration between nations, and therefore this re-establishes the diplomatic thinking and policies. Taiwan is indeed a modern and democratic nation even it’s small, with its abounding soft power, the bilateral diplomatic relation can be strongly built up. Taiwan society interacts with complex traditions and multi-cultures which significantly compose the development of culture and creativity industries. In addition, for the trend of culture lately, it emphasizes the respect of human rights, the claim to the minority group, the issue of multiculturalism, biological diversity, and the indigenous group. All these increase the visibility of Taiwanese culture internationally. Besides, via the interaction with other tribes or civic groups, it also helps maintain the actual political and economic relations with other influential nations. If Taiwan could take advantage of its indigenous culture for empowering the society, this could possibly help signify the cultural and economic position of Taiwan in nations. This study begins at the theory of soft power and globalization to reflect on the promotion of diplomatic missions in Taiwan and then to discuss the concept of soft power of the indigenous group in Taiwan. Furthermore, this study also investigates the current diplomatic situation of Taiwan based on the aspects of cultural resources, culture and creativity industries and NGOs to reflect on the diplomatic directions for the future and now.


