  • 學位論文


The Relationships of the Physical Activity, Depression and Executive Function among the Middle Age Adults

指導教授 : 劉淑燕


過去的研究指出老年人有高盛行率的憂鬱症與退化執行功能,有些研究也顯示運動能改善老年人的憂鬱症與執行功能。目的:1. 探討中老年人不同程度的身體活動量在憂鬱程度之差異。2. 比較中老年人不同程度的身體活動量在評估抽象分類能力及概念形成、組織和認知轉換能力等執行功能的表現之差異。3. 比較中老年人不同程度的身體活動量在接受訊息後的處理速度及抑制能力的表現之差異。4. 探討中老年人的憂鬱是身體活動影響執行功能的中介因子。方法:招募中老年人共計60名(年齡:50歲~ 65歲),參與者簽署實驗同意書並填寫「簡短智能評估(MMSE)」,符合實驗的參與者再填寫兩份問卷「IPAQ台灣活動量調查–自填短版問卷」及「流行病學研究中心憂鬱量表(CES-D)」,接著進行執行功能的測驗「威斯康辛卡片分類測驗(WCST)」及「史楚普測驗(Stroop)」。資料分析:1. 描述性統計建立人口背景學資料。2. 以單因子變異數分析比較中老年人身體活動量在憂鬱程度的差異。3. 以單因子多變量數分析比較中老年人身體活動量在憂鬱程度與執行功能資料上的差異。4.路徑分析探討中老年人的憂鬱是否是身體活動影響執行功能的中介因子。結果:本研究顯示高身體活動量的中老年人其憂鬱程度較低。高身體活動量的中老年人在執行功能WCST中 TA、TE、NE、CC、PR、PE、TC1stC及CLR表現較佳;高身體活動量的中老年人在執行功能Stroop中SW表現較佳。路徑分析得知在WCST及Stroop上,憂鬱是影響身體活動及執行功能中重要的中介因子。結論:高身體活動量的中老年人其憂鬱程度較低,在執行功能(WCST、Stroop測驗)表現較佳,代表身體活動量與執行功能有正向相關,與憂鬱程度有負向相關。


執行功能 抑制能力 運動 WCST Stroop


Relevant studies have indicated that there are higher prevalence on depression symptom and degenerated executive function among the middle age adults.Previous studies have shown that exercise could improve the symptom and executive function for the middle age adults. Purposes: 1. to compare the severity of depression symptom of middle age adults according to their physical activity level. 2. to compare the performance on sorting, conception formation, planning, organization, cognitive-shifiting of middle age adults according to their physical activity level. 3. to compare the performance on proceeding speed and inhibition ability of middle age adults according to their physical activity level. 4. to examine depression symptom whether it is a moderator which affects between physical activity and executive function among the middle age adults. Methods: After filling the consent form and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) to exclude dementia, sixty participants whose ages are between 50 and 65 years old were investigated their physical activity level by International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), depression symptom by Center of Epidemiological Study – Depression (CES-D), and executive function by Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and Stroop test. Analysis: 1. Descriptive statistics was used to establish demographical information. 2. One-way ANOVA was employed to analyze the physical activity of middle age adults on the severity of depression symptom and executive function. 3. One-way MANOVA was employed to analyze the physical activity of middle age adults on the severity of depression symptom and executive function. 4. Path analysis was performed and examined whether depression symptom is a moderator which affects the cognition among the middle age adults. Results: First, the high physical activity of middle age adults had less depression symptom and better performance on executive function WCST TA, TE, NE, CC, PR, PE, TC1stC, CLR and Stroop SW. Second, depression symptom is a moderator which affects the cognition among the middle age adults. Conclusion: The middle age adults who has the higher physical activity level has less depression symptom and better performance on executive(WCST, Stroop test) which indicates that physical activity has a positive association with executive function and a negative association with depression symptom.


executive function inhibition ability exercise WCST Stroop


余文章、洪偉欽(2009)。運動與憂鬱症之探討。嘉大體育健康休閒期刊,8 ( 1 ) ,228-234。


