  • 學位論文


The Influence Of Perceived Value, Waiting Information And Queuing Requirement In Restaurant Service Waits

指導教授 : 游蓓怡


服務等待在服務業中是非常常見且很難避免的,在服務等待的情況下,顧客對於服務的評估會受到許多不同面向影響,例如他們可能會以對於該服務所認定的知覺價值或是服務人員的回應態度做為評估該服務的依據。 本研究探討在餐廳服務等待中,三項因素(知覺價值、等候資訊、排隊要求)對於服務評估的影響。 透過兩個2x2的因子實驗設計來分別探討在發生服務等待的情況下: 一、知覺價值和等候資訊對於服務評估的影響 二、知覺價值和排隊要求對於服務評估的影響。 研究結果顯示等候資訊對於服務評估有強烈的主效果而知覺價值跟排隊要求會產生交互作用 根據結果,本研究歸納出幾項結論與建議。其中,等候資訊對於餐廳服務業來說是非常重要的,而知覺價值會影響在服務等待發生情況下的顧客服務評估,但在排隊要求的影響下,顧客對於知覺價值較高的餐廳則會有較差的評估。


Service waits are common and sometimes inevitable. Besides, customers’ evaluation over the service may be influenced by several attributes in the waiting situation. For example, they may judge the service wait by their perceived value of the service and the response of the service staff. This study tries to find the influence of three factors over service evaluation in the restaurant service waiting situation. Two 2x2 factorial experiments were conducted respectively to test the influence of (1) perceived value and waiting information, and (2) perceived value and queuing requirement on service evaluation. Results show that waiting information has strong main effect on service evaluation while there would be an interaction effect between perceived value and queuing requirement. With the results, this research would conclude with several implications. It is suggested that waiting information is an important filler for restaurant services. While perceived value may also influence customers’ service evaluation in restaurant service waits, queuing requirement would be a vital attribute as it would give customers more negative evaluation in a higher perceived value restaurant.


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