  • 學位論文


Analysis of Community Empowerment Practice and Community Development - A Case Study of Haifong, Yangcuo and Houan Communities at Mailiao, Yunlin County.

指導教授 : 蔡允棟 教授


近年來隨著民主化、全球化的影響,政治與經濟快速發展的結果,社區生活型態不斷轉變,居民之間的互動雖多,卻十分表面化與功利化,人與人之間的疏離感十分明顯,普遍缺乏社區認同意識,導致眾多社會問題逐一發生,許多應該被關注的社會議題並沒有成為焦點。例如,社會中層出不窮的詐騙犯罪事件、社會弱勢悲劇的不斷發生以及獨居老人、外籍配偶所帶來的社會衝擊…等等讓人憂心的事件。政府也漸漸發現,現行行政體系已無法深入解決社會問題,傳統社群關係網絡也漸漸陷入崩解的困境中,政府極需要營造出可連結行政體系且具自我成長機制的新社群網絡--「社區」。 因此,政府為因應時代的變遷,跟上民主化及全球化的腳步,無論在社會、經濟或政治各方面莫不朝多元化發展,提出各項發展政策,追求永續發展。在釋出的提案型計畫中,也都鼓勵社區主動了解轄內資源、針對社區需求自發提出計畫爭取經費、建構並規劃社區願景。 雖然國家資源的配置應該給予社區營造相當程度的保障。但是,在政府的資源有限,人民的慾望無窮的情況下,社區如何運用自主提案權,養成社區居民自立自助的精神,為社區爭取資源,將資源整合做有效應用,實踐社區賦權,成為機能上高度自治的單位,將是地方治理的新方向。 本研究以雲林縣麥寮鄉海豐、楊厝、後安三個社區發展現況為例,研究社區如何實踐賦權,建置社區資源網路,使社區永續發展。從「社區參與」凝聚自主意識、「社區學習」能力建構、「社區行動」累積資源等面向設計架構,探討在社區在此政策執行下,其社區賦權的實踐及其社區發展。 主要研究問題:社區如何實踐賦權,建置社區資源網路,使社區永續發展。 (一)凝聚自主意識、動員民眾參與以強化社區健全組織。 (二)自我能力建構,學習規劃並參與社區行動,以累積社區資源。 文中並藉由文獻分析及深度訪談,了解社區治理、社區資本對社區發展的影響;探究社區居民對社區發展與社區賦權的認知,探討彼此的影響,最後提出相關建議,作為未來引導社區政策規劃之參考。


Recently, owing to the effect of democratization and globalization and the result of rapid development of politics and economical, the community life style is continuing change, however there is more communication between the resident, it becomes apparent and utilitarian. Obviously, between the people is full of the carelessness and the community lack the common conscious that result in the social problem generation individually. There are many social issues do not to be the focus. For example, the social cheating event, the continuing tragedy of minority groups and senior citizens living alone and the social impact result from foreign spouses. The government finds that the current administration does not resolve the social problem, and the traditional community web gets into trouble with collapses. The government must create to link to administration and community web. Therefore, the government in order to adapts to the change of environment and follows by democratization and globalization; it has to heads for diversified development in social, economic and politics. Meanwhile, the proposed project encourage to know the resource of jurisdiction and to obtain budget for proposing the project that the community development、construction and prospect ion. The national’s resource have to allocate community is guaranteed, however, under the conditions of the government’s limited resources and the enormous desire of people, the community how to propose a proposal to cultivate the independent spirit of the resident. In order to strive for resource and integrated the resource, it will be new directions to government community. This study is based of Haifong, Yangcuo, Houan community at Mailiao of Yunlin County to research how to implement empowerment and create community network resource for community everlasting development. By “community participation” to gather self-conscious, “learning in community” to construct ability and “community action” to accumulate resource trends, to design architectures. We will discuss on the implementation of community empowerment and development of community under the policy. The main topics: how to implement empowerment in community, to establish the network resource in community, to develop community everlastingly. 1.To gather self-conscious, to encourage resident participation and to enforce the organization of community. 2.To construct self-ability, plan schedule and participate the community action to accumulate the community resource. This paper will realize the government of community and the affection of community resource to community development by means of analysis of papers and deep interview; to discuss on acknowledgement of community empowerment and community development. In addition to discuss the affection of each other, we propose the relational suggestion to be the reference of community policy guide.


孫本初、鐘京佑 (2005),〈治理理論之初探:政府、市場與社會治理架構〉,《公共行政學報》16,107-135。
