  • 學位論文

探討供應鏈敏捷性前因之研究 -以供應與資訊科技基礎建設彈性為觀點

A Study of the Antecedents of Supply Chain Agility-From the Perspectives of Supply and IT Infrastructure Flexibility

指導教授 : 廖則竣


隨著現今全球化市場環境逐漸變得動盪、競爭與充滿不確定性。若組織的供應鏈具有敏捷性,則可以使公司快速回應顧客需求之改變,以獲得更佳的績效。然而供應鏈敏捷性所帶來之好處已被廣泛的認可,但卻沒有太多的研究針對公司如何達到供應鏈敏捷性這個議題做進一步的探討。因此,本研究以兩大構面: 供應彈性 (供應商彈性與供應網絡彈性) 與資訊科技基礎建設彈性 (資訊科技之模組化、相容性與連結性) 做為供應鏈敏捷性之前因,並以競爭優勢做為其影響衡量。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為台灣地區製造業廠商,共回收126份有效問卷。並使用smartPLS 2.0結構方程模式來驗證模式內各個變數間的因果關係。研究結果顯示供應商彈性、供應網絡彈性、資訊科技模組化及連結性對於供應鏈敏捷性皆有顯著的正向影響,其中又以供應網絡彈性及資訊科技連結性最佳。而研究結果亦顯示供應鏈敏捷性對於組織建立競爭優勢具有正向之影響。綜合以上論述,本研究結果對於理論面及管理面皆具有良好的啟示。


Increasingly, the global market environment is becoming more turbulent, complex and uncertain. An organization’s supply chain agility can directly impacts its ability to response customers' need in a timely and cost effective manner. While the beneficial impact of supply chain agility is generally acknowledged, very little research exists to date addressing how an organization can achieve supply chain agility. Therefore, we target two dimensions: supply flexibility (supplier flexibility and supply network flexibility) and IT infrastructure flexibility (IT modularity, IT compatibility and IT connectivity) as the antecedents of supply chain agility, as well as the effect associated with competitive advantage. Data for the study were collected from 126 manufacturing firms, and the measurement scales were tested and validated using structural equation modeling by smartPLS. Findings reveal that supply chain agility of a firm is directly and positively impacted by supplier flexibility, supply network flexibility, IT modularity and IT connectivity. And the results also indicate strong, positive and direct relationships between supply chain agility and competitive advantage. Overall, the research results are considered inspirational both in theory and in practice.


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