  • 學位論文


A Study On The Rise Of China And The Dispute Of The South China Sea (From 1970 To 2011)

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


南海蘊藏豐富的天然資源,也位於世界航運的要衝,其戰略地位重要因而備受國際關注。而南海問題是一個延宕許久的國際爭端,其中除涉及各聲索國間島嶼的主權及天然資源的爭奪外,區域外美國、日本等大國基於本身的經濟利益對於本地區的海洋礦藏資源及國際水道的航行自由亦相當的關注。 中國自1970年改革開放後國力不斷的增強,另隨者冷戰結束蘇聯解體,來自北方的軍事威脅大減,於是開始將勢力深入陸陸國土以外的海洋地區。中國始終堅持對南海主權的擁有是不容挑戰,並視為國家核心利益之一。如此,造成東南亞各南海爭端國的關注,除藉由東南亞國家協會的集體力量來降低對中國崛起的疑慮及不安外,越南、菲律賓更積極引進區域外強權美、日等國之勢力與之抗衡,其中美國介入的態度十分積極,故區域內美、中兩國勢力的競逐將使未來南海情勢發展更加複雜化。 而南海情勢的發展所反映出台灣外交與國家安全的困境,由於正式外交關係的缺乏,使得台灣有關南海的相關政策在區域內不易推動,且面對中國軍事的直接威脅,亦使台灣在南海議題上的作為更趨消極,甚至有被邊緣化之虞。有鑑於此,本論文探討的主題有三:一、南海情勢之背景與各爭端國南海主權相關主張情形。二、探討中國崛起的戰略意涵與對南海爭端的影響情形。三、面對中國崛起之情勢下我國應採取南海策略與作為。


Abundant in natural resources and located at the major shipping juncture of the world, the South China Sea has been arousing international concern for its strategical position. The South China Sea has been an international dispute for a long period of time. Not only have those countries claiming it contended for its sovereignty and natural resources, but also the advanced nations such as America, Japan have paid quite attention to its marine mineral resources and the freedom of its navigation. China has had increasing national strength since their reformation in 1970 and has started to stretch their influence out their territory. After the cold war had come to an end due to the collapse of Soviet Union, China could relieve its military threat from the north and start to expand their forces into marine region. China has been insisting on their keeping the sovereignty of the South China Sea and seen it as their national inner benefit. However, this made countries in southeast Asia collaborate in order to reduce their misgivings about the rise of China. In addition, Vietnam and Philippines have tried hard to lead the power of America and Japan into this rivalry. Among these countries, America has been taking a highly positive attitude to intervene in the affairs of the South China Sea. As a result, the competition of extending forces in the South China Sea between America and China will make the stressful stituation of the South China Sea even more complicated. The development of the South China Sea’s current situation has reflected that Taiwan’s diplomacy and national security are in a predicament. Deficient in official diplomatic relations, Taiwan has difficulty giving impetus to its strategies for the South China Sea. Furthermore, Taiwan tends to be more and more negative in its policy on the South China Sea due to the direct military threat from China. Based on this situation, there would be three topics being discussed in this research. First, the background of the South China Sea and the claims of the countries contending for the sovereigenty of it would be mentioned. Secend, the strategic implication of the rise of China and its effects upon the sovereignty of the South China Sea would be investigated as well. Third, under the adverse circumstances of China’s rise, what policy Taiwan could take on the problem of the South China Sea would also be surveyed in this thesis.


孫國祥,「近期南海爭端中權力與權利之衝撞」,全球政治評論,第32 期(2010年10月),頁13-19。


