  • 學位論文


The China and The U.S. Competition and Cooperation In Southeast Asia

指導教授 : 宋學文


冷戰的結束造成國際體系由過去的兩極體系轉變成現在一超多強的體系,美國方面在冷戰的結束後成為單極體系下唯一的超級強權,並且在經濟、軍事武力、政治影響力和文化等方面保有極大的優勢地位。中國方面,冷戰的結束與中國改革開放政策的雙重影響之下,造成中國本身的綜合國力大幅度的上升,不論在經濟、軍事、外交方面,中國積極推廣與改變作為,引發中國崛起的整體發展趨勢。 伴隨著中國經濟崛起所產生的中國綜合國力上升,此舉更進一步引發中國在亞太地區不論在推廣或是主導區域整合上將扮演積極、主動的角色,另一方面中國也透過參與多邊機制來逐漸達成制衡美國在東南亞的霸權勢力。面對中國的行為與表現,美國在歐巴馬總統時期提出重返亞洲的口號,並且把重心放在亞洲事務上,近期美國加強與東南亞國協各國展開雙邊的經濟、軍事合作關係。 伴隨著美國重返亞洲之後,中美兩國未來在東南亞地區的關係將呈現競爭與合作並存的趨勢。這種存在於當代國與國之間競爭與合作共存的局勢,就以新自由制度主義最具潛力與代表性。因此本文以新自由制度主義中的「自由」與「權力」的思維作為本文探討競爭與合作的理論依據,並且透過層次分析模型中強調結構與單元互動隻模型作為解釋中美之間關係之研究工具。最後,透過南海主權爭端與東南亞國協作為研究中美兩國在東南亞地區競爭與合作的個案研究。


After the Cold War finished, the international system has transformed from biopolarity to one superpower and many system. It caused two importance effects for the U.S. and china. The U.S. become the superpower in the unipolarity and has greatest advantage in the portion of economic, military, political influence and cultural. For the part of china, china has changed itself foreign policy and focus on internal developing. It bring about china’s comprehensive power rising and china’s positive behavior in the part of economic, military and foreign affairs. Because of the China’s Rise, China plays a positive and proactive role in Asia-pacific regional integration and multilateral organization. At the Same time, China participates in multilateral organization with the view to balancing the U.S. superpower in the area of south-east. Confronted this challenge, the president Obama alter the foreign policy to Asean and enhance the bilateral membership/alliance relationship in economics and military of the Asean states’. Besides, Barack Obama will attend at this year East Asia Summit (EAS), these actions will evidence that the U.S. come back to Asia. To sum up, on one hand, as the china rising and integration of Asia-pacific will affect the America foreign policy. On the other hand, the U.S. come back to Asian, it also affect the influence of china in this area. Hence, this thesis considers that the relation between the U.S. and china is confliction and cooperation. The antinomy phenomena-confliction and cooperation occurring in contemporary nations conforms the assumption of the neo-liberal institutionalism. Hence this thesis will use the “Liberal” and “Power” thinking of neo-liberal institutionalism to evidence confliction and cooperation. Using the model of level of analysis “Stress the interaction between the structure and unit” to explain the relation between the China and USA. Finally Using two cases study: the South China Sea and East Asia Summit to evidence it.


宋鎮照,「南海風雲再起 充滿詭譎與火藥味─解析中國和越、菲的南海衝突與美國角色」,海協評論,第248期(2011年8月1日),頁24-29。
