  • 學位論文


The Elementary Students’ Formation of Ethnic Identity in Le-Le Township

指導教授 : 陳光輝


本文旨在解釋國內樂樂鄉MAE和VGE兩所小學學童的族群認同形塑過程。本文主要分成兩大部分: 由Bronfenbrenner(1979)所提出的「生態系統理論」(ecological system theory),作為本研究之架構,以檢視學童在族群認同的形塑過程。探討生態系統理論作為本研究架構的特色,介紹系統本身的題材和功能,並討論系統與系統彼此間的互動情形。我們將提出學童在族群認同形塑過程中,並非在單一時間空間之時僅受單一施行者的影響,學童的族群認同形塑可能在相同的時間和空間活動之時,同時受到兩個、三個甚至更多的施行者所引導,如在社區裡與同儕遊戲之時,可能受到同儕、社區人士以及家中長輩所影響。 筆者所提政治社會化知識,指的是涵蓋家庭社會化、學校社會化、教會、社區環境與事件的影響等範疇。由政治社會化的知識和族群認同的課題作為觀察學童族群認同形塑過程的基礎,參與學童日常生活的場域如教會、學校母語課程、學校晨間朝會活動、社區活動等等,檢視學童族群認同的形塑過程,探討學童如何分辨我者、他者、我群和他群的課題。筆者由政治社會化的知識和生態環境的理論中發現,學童的族群認同形塑與所提的知識理論相關,例如學童於家中的生活情形、校園的學習、同儕的互動以及社區活動的參與等。筆者也發現另有政治社會化知識未提及到的部分,如家族在學童族群認同形塑過程所扮演的角色,以及能發揮的功能。又如父母的社經地位和部族內的位階對學童在學科知識與鄒族傳統知識的影響,以及父母社經地位在學童族群認同形塑過程中的引導。 最後,筆者在本研究過程中領悟到學童族群認同形塑屬流動的情形,且部分學童具備辨識我者和他者的基礎能力。此外部分主流知識和價值無法完全複製在該研究中,執行本研究除需對該主題的基本相關知識有一定的掌握外,亦需考量樂樂鄉當地的人文歷史以及價值觀,如此將助於研究的進行和日後的分析工作。 關鍵字:政治社會化、學校社會化、家庭社會化、族群認同形塑過程、生態系統理論。


This paper aims to explore the children’s formations of ethnic identity, which can be made up by two parts as follows: Firstly, the researcher uses Bronfenbrenner’s(1979) Ecological System Theory as the research structure in this thesis in order to explain children’s formations of ethnic identity. In addition to the introduction of the Ecological System Theory, the researcher also discusses the interactions between these several micro-systems. We will show that not only the space, time, and people produce individual impact on children’s formation of ethnic identity but also the interaction of these factors has joint effect on children’s ethnic identity. For example, it is found that children’s ethnic identity is affected by peer interactions, neighbors’ teaching, and elders’ leading at that time. Secondly, the researcher demonstrates the results of political socialization such as family socialization, school socialization, effects of church, impact of neighborhood, and the events’ effects. The researcher uses political socialization as the framework to explore children’s formation of ethnic identity. For instance, the researcher should participated in children’s daily activities such as their church activities, native language classes, morning activities at school, and community activities. The researcher portrays the relations between political socialization, ecological system, and the children’s formation of ethnic identity in their daily life. The researcher also explores the impact of clan, which has been rarely examined in political science. The clan under study is performs its function between family and community, and it fulfills children’s formation of ethnic identity. Moreover, parents’ socioeconomic status is not the most powerful factor affecting children’s ethnic identity. In fact, parents’ tribal status is more important than socioeconomic status to account for children’s formation of ethnic identity. In sum, the researcher found that the children’s formation of ethnic identity is fluid. Some students could recognize that the differences between we group and they group. For a researcher, undergoing this paper not only needs to figure out the basic knowledge but also to understand the culture and history of Le-Le Township. Keywords: political socialization, school socialization, family socialization, formation of ethnic identity, ecological system theory.


