  • 學位論文


A study on the model of smuggling by sea in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊士隆


臺灣四面環海,勢必面臨海路走私犯罪問題,一般民眾不易感受海路走私犯罪對於臺灣發展的負面影響,而政府對於海上、海岸及港口,亦設有巡防及查緝機制來管理,然而,走私犯罪的標的、模式仍不斷推陳出新,對於海島型國家的臺灣,研究海路走私犯罪的重要性不言而喻。 本研究文獻除分析臺灣走私犯罪現況外,並進一步探討各國走私犯罪情形,依文獻探討結果,設計研究架構,區分為兩部分,一為原因論,即海路走私犯罪成因分析,包含走私犯罪者背景與成長歷程、家庭及重要友伴、價值觀、走私動機等。研究並將走私犯罪研究最常引用之差別接觸、理性選擇等理論併入研究因子,此外,政策影響亦納入分析;架構二針對走私犯罪模式諸元分析,如走私的標的與管道、來源、利潤、路線、行為準備及歷程、聯繫方式與術語、接駁方式、走私分工、集團間的關係等納入研究,深度剖析海路走私犯罪模式。 研究方法主要為質性訪談,訪談對象兼納受刑人及執法者兩個不同面向,受刑人樣本以區域分層,取樣11名海路走私犯罪者進行深度訪談;執法者樣本取自海路走私查緝主政機關,以查緝系統、地區、層級為區分,訪談海上、岸巡及查緝單位高階至基層之查緝走私人員12名。 研究結果發現,海路走私犯罪者的教育程度不高,初次接觸犯行年齡約20至30歲,其所成長的家庭環境會影響學校的學習,使其暴露在較易接觸偏差行為的環境中,而促因則是周遭有走私犯罪背景的親友引介。海路走私犯罪需仰賴經驗,進行事前準備及綿密的走私過程,包含走私管道洽商、走私各階段角色的選定、走私運輸、取貨及銷貨的安排。海路走私犯罪有集團性、分工化之趨勢,從規劃、聯繫、取貨、運輸至交貨,都有分工,而不同走私犯罪集團間亦會產生合作模式。走私犯罪者會運用各種方式,掌握資訊逃避查緝,集團幕後負責人不易被查獲。 研究驗證差別接觸理論在臺灣海路走私犯罪模式之適用,研究發現走私犯罪為經由朋友及社區鄰居接觸而發生,此外,走私犯罪者認為同行被查獲訊息的重視及掌握相當重要。研究結果亦支持理性選擇理論的觀點,認為走私犯罪者會理性選擇罰則輕的私貨如香菸來走私。研究認為人與走私犯罪團體接觸後,從事走私犯罪之機率較高,而守法信念薄弱、法令懲罰過輕、投資報酬率均是促成海路走私犯罪的因素。研究也發現刑期太短,處罰不即時,會導致嚇阻性不足。不同的走私標的在走私犯罪者的價值觀、法律罰則都有差異存在。至於政府查緝政策對走私犯罪短期會有影響,但就長遠而言影響不大。 研究建議主要區分查緝、法令及輔導三大面向,在查緝面向部分,建議政府善用跨國司法互助,並因應走私模式廣拓情報來源,加強人員專業訓練。與時俱進提升查緝監控技巧,結合最新資訊科技查緝。在法令面向部分,研究建議依走私類別檢修法令,研訂更符合現況且具嚇阻性之處罰;因應政策及市場供需,開放部分走私管制品項。在輔導面向部分,研究建議針對走私犯罪者分類矯正,出獄後強化就職輔導,降低走私再犯率;此外,政府應持續協助漁業轉型,活化漁村經濟,降低走私誘因。本研究認為實務與學術單位應加強合作,提升走私犯罪研究能量與實用性,並期成為走私犯罪研究與防制的典範。


Local maritime smuggling researches for island state like Taiwan are critically important. People might not aware how the maritime smuggling can affect the development of our daily life. However, with the ever-changing of smuggling models, our country have put great efforts on crime prevention deployments and mechanisms , such as constantly and island-widely setting up varies coast guard checkpoints and coastal crime crackdowns. Through a selective analysis of smuggling researchers both in Taiwan and other countries, this study finds that smuggling activities vary geographically and spatially with the changes of factors such as supply-and-need, maritime policies, law-enforcements, etc. This study referring to the present studies seeks to contribute to maritime smuggling in two main aspects. The first contribution is to etiology. Factors derives from differential association theory and rational choice theory are examined including the personal and family demographic characteristics, life courses, significant others, personal value, motivations of smugglers and moreover maritime policies. The second contribution is to analyze models of smuggling by sea, including interviewee's views on target, channel, benefit, route, preparation, processing, liaison, jargon, trafficking, work division, and the relationship of smuggling rings. In-depth interviews with 11 convicted smugglers and 12 law-enforcers are conducted concurrently to explore local criminal model of smuggling. On the contrary to those 11 area-stratified inmate samples, 12 law-enforcers are chosen purposively from either coastal patrol or maritime patrol officers who are directly in charge of smuggling investigation or management. The research finds that most of the convicted smugglers drop out of school or did not make to high school. They tend to have their first contact with other crimes between their 20's to 30's. Smugglers' school performances are influenced by their family of origin where they exposed to deviant behaviors. Moreover, close family members or peer group often play a contributing factor as to smugglers' early criminal experience. One hardly smuggle successfully without relevant experiences. Therefore, fully preparation and elaborate plan including potential buyers, work divisions in every stage, trafficking, vehicles, and logistics is necessary. Smuggling by sea tends to form a specialized and job-oriented organization to facilitate a chain of plan, liaison, receiving, trafficking, delivering. It's also not uncommon to see labor-division or cooperation between different smuggling rings. Smugglers rationally analyze information to choose safer ways to avoid capture, especially for their leaders. It is supportive of Differential Association Theory in that interviewees show their bonds to close friends, family and neighbors, which increase criminal tendencies and weaken law-abiding willingness. Smugglers highly value the news and information about official suppression of related crimes. Findings also coincide Rational Choice Theory of Crime on choosing less punitive but high return-on-investment crimes such as narcotics smuggling. Criminal policies such as short-term imprisonment penalty or belated punishment undermine society's crime deterrence. On the contrary, smuggle raid's long-term effect can't be proved. Finally, different life philosophy and criminal policy relate to different target of smuggling. Suggestions are discussed in three dimensions. Firstly, law-enforcers could make good use of cross-country legal assistance, broaden intelligence resource and strengthen crime-fighting professional in investigation and high-tech equipment to reduce smuggling. Secondly, our government could revise laws according to specific catalog of smuggling and eliminate tariffs to some smuggling targets. Thirdly, convicted smugglers need personalized correctional treatment in institution and job counseling after institution. Besides, government need to assistant fishery villages and industry to transform, because a good economical condition can help reducing incentive to crime. This study also highly recommend joint efforts from both practical and academic experts to enhance crime research vitality and practicability, and even further make Taiwan an model of smuggling research and prevention.


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