  • 學位論文


Building a Vibration Monitoring Wireless Sensor Network in Industrial Environment

指導教授 : 侯廷昭


在工廠中需使用大量的馬達來使機器運轉,當生產線中有馬達出錯時,整條生產線上的產品都會受到影響,本篇論文設計與實作一套無線感測振動監控系統,利用加速度感測器獲得振動資料後,接著使用快速傅利葉轉換將複雜且變化快速的時間波形圖轉換成較易觀測的頻率分佈圖,並透過無線傳輸的方式傳回中控端,以利管理者即時監控所有馬達運作的情況,當有機器出錯時,能快速找出問題點並通知相關人員進行修復,以將損失減至最低。 傳輸方面,我們採用了無線傳輸中的隨意式網路 (Ad-hoc),隨意式網路是一個不需基地台的環境,在佈建上非常方便,但也因此,在此網路環境中的節點,不僅僅是一個節點,更可能擔任一台路由器的角色,於是我們引用AODV路由演算法,在節點間建立路由,讓各個節點找到一條合適的路徑,將資料從來源端送出,經過一連串的中間節點,成功的送達目的端。 在本論文實作的無線振動感測系統架構中,我們將從振動感測模組做起,並在電腦端開發使用者觀測介面,而在傳輸部分,我們也將原本傳輸模組預設的單點傳輸功能改進為可進行多重跳躍傳輸,大幅增加了無線感測網路的覆蓋範圍,最後比較三種不同傳輸方法,分別為載波偵測多重存取/避免碰撞、輪詢、以及分時多工存取機制,實地測試並分析三種傳輸方法間的優缺點。


Factory machines typically are equipped with motors for their operations. When motors in production line are faulty, all products will be affected. In this thesis, we use the wireless sensor network technology to implement a vibration monitoring system. On the sensor side, acceleration sensors sense the vibration of the motor. Then the fast Fourier transform is used to transform the complicated time-domain information into concise frequency-domain information. The transformed sensor data is sent to the central console station in order to let factory operator take real-time monitoring of all motors. When the machine is broken, this system can quickly identify the problem and notify the maintenance worker to fix it. This will help to minimize the loss. We adopt the ad-hoc network configuration because it has the advantage of convenient network setup. But in an ad-hoc network, nodes also play the role of a router. We implement the AODV routing protocol to enable multi-hop transmissions of sensor data. In this thesis, we implement the vibration sensor module, the graphic monitoring interface in console PC, and the wireless transmission module. The sensor module can detect motor’s vibration and send the data to the PC. The graphic monitoring interface in the PC can real-time show the vibration frequency distribution. And the wireless transmission module allows data being sent between nodes. Finally we compare CSMA/CA, polling, and TDMA to find out which one is more suitable in the industrial environment.


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