  • 學位論文


Active Ageing and Employment of Older Workers-The Example of Finland

指導教授 : 陳明芳


當前全球人口結構逐漸邁入高齡化,影響勞動市場中工作者的年齡結構,再加上少子女化之現象,使得勞動力供給逐漸萎縮,進而衝擊國家的經濟發展。歐洲國家堪稱為全球最「老」之區域,人口高齡化導致公共年金等相關之社會安全支出成長,構成國家嚴重的財務壓力,促使歐盟1990年代以來對於「活躍老化」(active ageing)概念的提出及討論,其中以促進中高齡工作者延長工作生涯的議題為核心。過渡性勞動市場理論(Transitional Labour Markets theory, TLM)指出,現今勞動市場不如以往穩定,導致個人在不同生命歷程階段面臨不同的就業風險,需要不同的公共政策介入管理這些風險。在此背景下,如何促進中高齡者延長工作職涯成為歐洲許多國家的首要課題。 本研究以過渡性勞動市場理論探討歐洲在延長中高齡者工作生涯最成功的國家-芬蘭。研究發現,芬蘭中高齡者在延長工作生涯上面臨三種不同層次的風險,包括微觀層面個人之工作能力不足、健康狀況不佳與教育程度低;中觀層面之雇主對中高齡者的負面刻板印象及年齡歧視;鉅觀層面之提前退休制度和經濟不景氣。芬蘭政府透過不同活躍老化相關之公共政策,對於前述風險進行管理,以期達到提升中高齡者勞動參與率,延後其退休之目標,相關措施包括推動工作生涯方案與年齡管理策略、禁止年齡歧視、實施薪資補貼方案,以及年金制度改革。相較於芬蘭以積極性取向,強調中高齡者延長就業職涯的活躍老化策略,台灣針對中高齡者就業相關之促進措施,主要聚焦於被動解決其失業期間之經濟安全保障問題,在面對未來人口結構快速高齡化的發展下,中高齡人力資源之運用顯得特別重要,也因而需重視積極性活躍老化的政策。芬蘭的經驗中可供台灣未來發展之參考,包括重視工作者工作生涯方案的規畫、消除年齡歧視、提高法定退休年齡、延後領取公共年金之誘因、推廣年齡管理之理念,以及強化世代間的認同、團結與公平正義的維護,透過提升中高齡者的勞動參與率、延長其就業職涯,以減緩人口結構高齡化之經濟與社會衝擊。


Ageing population and low fertility influence not only the average age structure of a labor market which means a decreasing workforce supply, but also have latent impact on the economic development. European countries are known as the world’s “oldest” regions. Aging population results in growth of public expenditures for pension and other social security programs that constitutes a serious financial pressure on countries of European Union. Under this context, “active ageing” was promoted to encourage older workers to extend their working life. According to the Transitional Labour Markets theory (TLM) labor market nowadays is unstable. This leads to the fact that people in different life course phases will face diverse employment risks and public policy interventions will be necessary to cope with problems resulting from those risks. Hence, how to promote the older workers to stay longer in labor market becomes one of the most important issues in many European countries. This master dissertation uses Transitional Labour Markets (TLM) theory to study active aging policies in Finland, which is famous of its success in promoting the older workers to extend their working careers. Findings of this dissertation are as follows. Older workers in Finland faced three different levels of risks when they want to stay longer in labor market, namely lack of suitable working ability, poor health and low education at the micro level, negative stereotypes from employers and age discrimination towards the older workers at the meso level, and last but not the least, the early retirement arrangements and the economic recession at the macro level. The government of Finland implemented many public policies of active aging as risk management with an eye to increase the rate of labor market participation of the older workers, while delaying their exit from the labor market. Concrete strategies for the risk manage included work career promotion, age management strategies, prohibiting age discrimination, implementation of wage subsidies, and pension reforms. While Finland emphasized the active aspect of promoting older workers to stay longer in labor market, government of Taiwan concerned mainly the economic insecurity of older workers during the unemployment. According to the statistics Taiwan will face rapid aging population in the near future that means the human resource management of older workers will become a big issue. The author argues that experiences of Finland give us many points to learn including planning of work careers schemes as soon as possible, implementing anti-age discriminations, raising the statutory retirement age, encouraging delaying public pension claiming, promoting age management, strengthening the inter-generational solidarity, social fairness and justice. These strategies will contribute to increasing the rate of labor market participation of older workers by extending their life in employment. And this will mitigate the negative impact of the aging population on economic and social development.


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