  • 學位論文


A Study of Policy Window Theory and the Name Rectification of Indigenous People of Siraya in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡允棟


台灣原住民族的身分隨著政權更迭呈現不同的態樣,背後道盡的是被漢化的無奈與受歧視的卑微。今日原住民議題已逐漸受到全球的重視,然我國政府舉著尊重多元文化的大旗,卻經常對原住民施予口惠不實,甚至是遏阻性的決策,使原住民族成為政治角力下的犧牲者。由於我國屬他者認定,所以原住民身分變遷的癥結不外乎是國家機器的遊戲規則,其中西拉雅族即是因不符《原住民身分法》而無法「返回做番」。   首先,筆者透過斷續均衡理論(Punctuated Equilibrium Theory)探討西拉雅族從「番」到「漢」的歷史脈絡,以瞭解正名困境的成因;接著應用政策之窗理論(Policy Window Theory)探求西拉雅族正名議題如何進入政府議程,並借鏡高山族、噶瑪蘭族與印地安族正名之經驗,歸結出西拉雅族正名的要件;最後,援引倡議聯盟架構(Advocacy Coalition Framework)的政策次級系統概念,解釋政策掮客與政府、菁英及民意三方之互動如何影響正名的成敗。   本文透過建構主義的研究途徑,採質性研究的個案研究法(Case Study)與深度訪談法(In-depth Interviewing)來建構出西拉雅族的正名問題;筆者將訪談對象分為政府官員、專家學者、運動領導者、醫生與民意,共計25人,並以訪談資料做為本研究分析之基礎。   本研究綜合學術思維與實證訪談後發現:第一,身分認定政策的斷續階段是西拉雅族正名產生困境的原因,而不連續的政策變遷導致西拉雅族的原住民身分逐漸消失;其次,西拉雅族正名的政策之窗確實因問題流、政策流與政治流匯聚而開啟,同時也仰賴政策企業家即時將正名議題推入政府議程,驗證了Kingdon所提出的政策之窗理論;第三,西拉雅族的正名要件為「低衝擊性的認定」,故西拉雅族要成為官方原住民且享同等之權利的機率並不高;最後,政策掮客(民族運動積極份子)尚未協調出具政策利害關係人(政府、菁英、民意)共識,且獲得政策決策者接納的正名方案,因此,西拉雅族持續維持喪失原住民身分的現狀。   綜上所述,筆者運用三個理論分別論述西拉雅族正名的各個階段,從身分消失的歷史背景、如何受到政府重視的過程,到倡議聯盟在政府議程中如何互動,進而影響正名政策的產出,試圖對西拉雅族正名議題有一個完整的理解。


The identity of the indigenous peoples in Taiwan with regime change and alternation of ruling parties presents different kinds of status, which reveals the fact of Sinicized unwillingness and the discriminated humbleness. The issue to protect and ensure the welfare of indigenous peoples has been advocated and spread out around the world, however, the central government in Taiwan, carrying the banner of respect for the multi-culture, actually only paid lip services to the indigenous policies and even made indigenous peoples be victims of political wrestling. The crux of the issue of identity of the indigenous peoples is nothing more than the rules of the game in state. For example, Siraya, a clan of indigenous peoples, wasn't covered by《Status Act For Indigenous Peoples》and therefore couldn't come back its legal identity to be a indigenous people.   The research, first of all, uses the punctuated equilibrium theory to explore why Siraya changes its original identity of indigenous people and becomes the Hans in historical context, and the reasons why that identity change of Siraya results in the predicament of its name rectification thereafter. Secondly, it applies the policy window theory to find out how the issue of name rectification of Siraya enters government agenda. And then it takes the successful experiences of the name rectification of Gaoshan ethnic group, Kavalan, and American Indian for summing up the necessary data to improve the movement of name rectification of Siraya. At last it utilizes the policy subsystem of advocacy coalition framework to explain how policy brokers dealing with tripartite interaction of government, elite, and public opinion, affect the success or failure of the name rectification of Siraya.   Research method adopts case study and in-depth interviewing of qualitative research. Interviewees, totally 25 persons, include government officials, experts and scholars, movement leaders, doctors and community residents. The findings include: first, the punctuating stage of identity recognized policy produced the cause of predicament of the name rectification of Siraya, and then the discontinuous policy changes led to the disappearance of aboriginal identity of Siraya gradually. Second, the policy window of the name rectification of Siraya actually was opened by the convergence of problem streams, policy streams, and political streams, also relied on policy entrepreneurs pushed the name rectification issue into government agenda, which verified the Policy Window Theory proposed by Kingdon. Third, the name rectification of Siraya only poisoned at a low-impact condition, so the probability that Siraya to become the official indigenous peoples and enjoy equal rights is not high. Finally, policy brokers(activists of ethnic movement)haven’t reached a consensus among the policy stakeholders(government, elite and public opinion)yet, and therefore Siraya continues to maintain the status of loss the identity of indigenous people.   In summary, the author uses three theories to discuss the various stages of the name rectification of Siraya, including the historical background of the identify disappeared, the process of how to get attention of government, and the advocacy coalition of how to interact each other in government agenda and to affect the policy outcomes of the name rectification.




