  • 學位論文


A study on emotional geographies of parent- teacher communication ~ viewpoints from primary school teachers

指導教授 : 陳幸仁


本研究採用質性研究,訪談七位國小導師,使用Hargreaves(2001)提出的情緒地理概念,作為本研究的分析架構,得到以下結論: 壹、社會文化情緒距離 一、家長不因家長社經地位高低刻板印象影響情緒距離。 二、老師對原住民家長顯現較疏遠的情緒距離,對新住民家長顯現親近的情緒距離。 三、家長性別並非直接影響老師情緒距離親疏的因素。 四、單親或隔代教養家長的態度客氣願配合,則老師情緒距離近;家長只做表面功夫,老師易拉開情緒距離。 貳、專業情緒距離 一、學生行為影響教學,老師會因家長是否願意配合以改善學生問題而影響情緒距離。 二、兩種專業主義傾向的老師都會因家長質疑教學方式或對學生學習狀況有疑問,基於不同立場維護本身專業自主權。 三、家長干預老師教學進度,古典專業主義傾向老師易感受專業自主受干擾,拉開對家長的情緒距離。 四、家長質疑回家功課份量過多或不適當,家長態度以及能否接受老師的說明會影響老師的情緒距離。 參、道德情緒距離 一、親師教育信念同調則老師對家長的情緒距離易拉近。 二、親師間教育信念不同調,老師雖感無力無奈,但老師對家長的情緒距離未因此擴大。 三、家長適度關懷孩子使老師情緒距離親近;若關懷太過與漠不關心則讓老師情緒距離擴大。 肆、政治情緒距離 一、親師間權力不均衡會影響老師對家長的情緒距離親疏。 二、老師會利用情緒偽裝拉近家長對老師的情緒距離或拉開對家長的情緒距離。 伍、物理情緒距離 一、老師多與家長保持一定的情緒距離,老師使用的親師溝通方式可顯示老師的情緒距離親疏。 二、親師溝通頻率並未直接影響老師的情緒距離,端視溝通時是否有足夠時間澄清問題、取得共識。 關鍵字:親師溝通、情緒距離、情緒地理


This study adopted qualitative research approach to interview seven teachers from lower, intermediate and higher grades of primary schools in different areas. Borrowing from Hargreaves’ theory of emotional geographies, it proposed the following conclusions: 1.Sociocultural distance (1)Parents’ socioeconomic status might not affect teachers’ emotional distance for their stereotype image. (2)Teachers tended to show a relatively estranged emotional distance towards those Taiwanese aboriginal parents, while presented a relatively conversant emotional distance towards those parents of new inhabitant. (3)Parents’ gender did not a factor that could directly affect teachers’ emotional distance. (4)Teachers would have closer emotional distance towards single- parent or grand- parents who had polite attitudes. 2.Professional distance (1)If the students’ behaviors disturbed teachers’ teaching, emotional distance of the teachers and parents could be affected. (2)When parents queried teachers’ teaching methods or had different viewpoints of students’ learning status with teachers, teachers would protect their professional autonomy due to increasing emotional distance with parents. (3)If parents intervened the teaching process, teachers with classic professionalism might feel threatened, and the emotional distance between teachers and parents might be widen. (4)The attitude of parents’ queries on the amount of homework could affec teachers’ emotional distance toward parents. 3.Moral distance (1)If parents’ educational beliefs were similar with teachers’, then their emotional distance would be closer. (2)If the disparate educational beliefs deviated, the emotional distance might not widen, even though teachers might feel helpless. (3)Parents’ moderate consideration on the children might narrow the emotional distance with teachers. However, parents’ excessive concern or indifference might cause an increase of emotional distance with teachers. 4.Political distance (1)Power imbalance on teachers and parents might affect the emotional distance. (2)Through emotion masking, teachers could narrow or widened the emotional distance with parents. 5.Physical distance (1)Teachers always kept a certain emotional distance with parents. And their communicational methods could reflect emotional distance with parents. (2)The frequency of communication did not directly affect teachers’ emotional distance with parents. The point was whether they had enough time to clarify their problems and reach a consensus. Key words: parent-teacher interaction, emotional distance, emotional geographies


