  • 學位論文


The Content Analysis of Gender Character in Taiwanese Textbooks for Grade 5 and 6 of Elementary School

指導教授 : 李知灝 何信翰,


國民小學高年級台語(閩南語)教科書性別角色之內容分析 摘要 佇生活當中時時刻刻攏佇咧傳遞性別,真正是『無處不性別』,除非是無人的所在,包括家庭內佮爸母的生活互動、教養方式;學校的空間設備,老師的教導;教科書透過課文、圖片的潛在課程,攏會有文化價值觀的傳承,閣加上佇報紙、雜誌、電子媒體uì 邊仔擴大宣揚推波助瀾之下,學生佇學習的過程中,容易接收著無正確的思想。 研究發現,四个版本包括康軒版、真平版、侑巧版、安可版(依筆劃順序排列),男、女性別人次攏是比例不均,反應著傳統社會「重男輕女」,以男性為「主體」。無論佇人格特質、性別穿插、性別色緻、家務分工、性別職業上,攏有嚴重的性別刻板印象。四个版本中,對男性攏無語言偏見,康軒、侑巧版攏無出現社會楷模/貢獻的人物,偏差忽略嚴重;教科書若無改變,就會一直重複「父權」、「重男輕女」、「男強女弱」、「男主女從」,無論是傳統文化,抑是日常生活層面,傳遞性別無平等,對學生人格、生涯發展影響實在真大。 本研究的主要目的,是uì 兩性化性別角色切入,針對教科書的課文佮圖片潛藏著性別意識型態,探討國小高年級台語教科書中性別角色的呈現情形。採取內容分析法,透過量化統計佮質性的分析,並以「性別出現人次」、「人格特質」、「性別穿插」、「性別色緻」、「家務分工」、「語言偏見」、「社會楷模/貢獻」、「性別職業」為分析項目,並且比較四个版本總共16冊,佇「性別角色偏見」的差異。最後,歸納出研究的結果提出建議,以供未來國小台語教師教學、教科書編輯者、未來研究者參考。 本文總結認為:台語教科書猶原存在著真深的刻板印象、性別偏見的現象,真值得人思考,性別平等教育佇台語教科書內底,有待改進佮加強的空間猶真大。 關鍵字:台語(閩南語)、教科書、性別平等教育、性別特質、性別階層 性別偏見


The Content Analysis of Gender Character in Taiwanese Textbooks for Grade 5 and 6 of Elementary School Abstract There are full of gender-related messages in our daily lives, which include the interaction with parents and the way parents raising their children at home; The facilities and teachers’ teaching at school; The hidden curriculum in the contents and photos of the textbooks. All of those will convey some cultural values. The newspaper, magazines and electronic media also facilitate the transmission of biased value in children’s learning process. The researches indicated that four different versions of textbooks all have such problems of unequal rata for male and female. That unveils the stereotypes of ‘male is superior to female’ and ‘male is the subjectivity’ in our traditional society. Including individual characteristics, gender dressing, gender color symbols, household duties and occupations all revealed serious gender stereotypes. In those four versions of textbooks, there is no language bias toward male; both Kang Hsung and Yochild include no characters of social models and contributors. Those bias and omission are overwhelming. If there is no modification, there will always have the phenomena of patriarchy, male-oriented, male surpasses female, male dominants and female obeys. The messages in the traditional culture and daily lives convey gender inequality and interferences tremendously children’s’ personalities and career development. This study aims to examine the gender stereotypes in contents and photos of the textbooks for grade 5 and 6. The content analysis approach was adopted. Both quantitative statistics and qualitative data were used to analyze according to the following aspects: frequency, personality, dressing, color, household duties, language bias, social models/contributors and occupations. The total of 16 books from Kang Hsung, Chen-ping, Yochild and Anco publishers were compared. The conclusion and suggestions were followed for future research, Taiwanese teachers in elementary schools and textbook publishers. It is concluded in this study that the stereotypes and gender bias are easily to find in Taiwanese textbooks. Such phenomena needs to be faced squarely and improved. Keywords: Taiwanese, textbook, Gender Equity Education, Gender Prejudice, Gender Characteristics, Gender Hierarchy


李翠玲,〈國小語文領域教科書中身心障礙人物之內容分析研究〉,《教科書研究》第四卷 第一期 (2011.06),頁31-54。


