  • 學位論文


Personal factors and parenting factors affecting individual late career decision-making self-efficacy

指導教授 : 沈玉玲


台灣社會近年來失業率攀升,與個人就業有關的議題,例如職業生涯發展過程, 逐漸受到外界重視。家庭對職業發展有很大的作用,藉由探討親子關係對青少年 職業決策的影響,有助於找出增加青少年就業選擇自信的方法。本研究以高中生 和大學生為研究對象,探討背景變項、父母教養行為、父母依附關係、和父母職 業支持對子女職業決策自我效能的影響。問卷調查資料高中組回收254 份,其中 男生131 份,女生123 份,年齡範圍為15 歲至20 歲,平均年齡為16.99 歲;大 學組回收的問卷共有250 份,其中男生113 份,大學女生137 份,年齡範圍18 歲至24 歲,平均年齡為19.72 歲。結果發現大學生自評的母親普遍支持和母親職 業支持比高中生高;女生自評的父母授予自主比男生高;母親提供的普遍支持、 依附關係、和職業支持都比父親高。此外,父母教養行為、父母依附關係、和父 母職業支持對職業決策自我效能具有顯著的預測力;父母教養行為、父母依附關 係、和父母職業支持對高中生和大學生與職業決策有關的自我效能(自我評價、 蒐集資訊、目標選擇、制訂計畫、和問題解決自我效能)具有顯著的預測力。綜 合來說,整體親子關係都會影響子女的職業決策自我效能發展,而父母的職業支 持不是影響子女效能發展的主因。未來研究可以考慮增加更多不同的研究樣本, 例如職業學校的學生、碩士生、或是中輟生等,並加入其他可能的影響因子(例 如個人與同儕、友人、和親密伴侶的關係等),以期對青少年的職業決策自我效 有更深入的探討。


In recent years, the unemployment rate climbed in Taiwan. Employment-related issues such as personal career development gradually are taken seriously. Family plays a big role in the career development; by discussing the impact of the parent-child relationship, better ways to increase adolescent career decision-making confidence can be found. The goal of this study is to research the relationships among background variables, parenting behaviors, parental attachment, parent’s career support and career decision-making self-efficacy of high school students and college students. The research adopted the method of questionnaire to collect data. Data are from 254 high school students (131 male, and 123 female), and 250 college students (113 male, and 137 female). Age range of high school students is between 15-20 and the average age is 16.99. For college students, the age range is between 18-24 and the average age is 19.72. The results show that mother’s general support and career support for college students are higher than for high school students. Autonomy granted from parents for females are higher than for males. Mother’s general support, attachment, and career support are higher than father’s. Parenting behaviors, parental attachment, and parental career support significantly predicted adolescent career decision-making self-efficacy. Parenting behaviors, parental attachment, and parental career support significantly predicted adolescent self appraisal, information gathering, goal selection, plan making, and problem solving self-efficacy. In conclusion, various parent-child relationships in this study affected adolescent career decision-making self-efficacy while parental career support is not the main reason to affect the development of adolescent efficacy. Future research can consider to include more samples (e.g. vocational school students, graduate students, or drop-out students), and other relating variables (e.g. the relations of peers, friends, and intimate partner) to investigate the process of adolescent career decision-making self-efficacy development.


