  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Economic Disadvantages among Aboriginal People and Indigenous Policy in Taiwan: The Case of Lijia Tribal Village from a View of Multiple Theories of Capital

指導教授 : 張世雄


本文重點在於討論原住民的經濟弱勢之現象及特性,採以人力資本、社會資本及文化資本觀點進行分析。研究方法以歷史文獻分析法掌握原住民政策發展脈動,輔以質性訪談探知原住民的生命經驗。本研究選定阿里山鄉里佳部落為觀察區域,共訪談十位受訪者,區分為三個世代,瞭解在社會變遷下的經歷。 研究結果有三:(一)人力資本分析觀點得知,部落缺乏經濟資源,使原住民缺乏教育機會,教育程度低落。雖近年政府教育政策協助原住民提升教育程度,卻未及上一般民眾。(二)社會資本分析視角可知,部落內部居民有高度凝聚力,展現於經濟互助與家庭照顧等,然高度內聚力相對阻礙了對外部資源的連結,橋接外部資源明顯較弱;有能力獲取政府重分配資源更是部落的少數行政精英份子。(三)文化資本檢視說明原住民與一般民眾之間的確存在著文化差異,這份「差異」使原住民面臨追求文化認同與消費式文化產業的兩難。遂原住民精英提出自治規劃,然至今未有明確條例內容。 原住民政策自國民政府遷台後實施至今,試圖彌補其經濟弱勢處境。然受全球化影響、社會變遷快速,原住民的生命歷程經驗也有所變動,面臨新的社會風險。為減緩其政策效果之矛盾,於最後提出初步建議。


The purpose of this study is to dissect the phenomena and characteristics of aboriginal people’s economic predicament in Taiwan with analytic tools of multiple capital theories, including theories of human capital, social capital as well as cultural capital. This research draws upon mostly primary sources, including the documentary analysis on indigenous policy development and a qualitative data collected by personal interviewing, to record and explore the life experiences from aboriginal people. In this study, we targeted on Lijia tribe, located in a village under Alishan township of Chia-Yi County, as an observation unit-area. In order to specify and recognize their immediate experiences in social change, 10 selected interviewees has been selected and divided into two to three cohots, aging groups according to their succesive generations. Three concluding outcomes are: first, with respect to human capital perspective, the tribal village’s lack of economic resources causes aborigines' limited educational opportunities and the low-level education. Although the government education policy has assisted aborigines in receiving a better education these years, their level of education still could not compete with non-aboriginal. Secondly, the social capital perspective showed that the internal tribe has the high degree of solidarity on mutual economic assistance and family care; however, it impeded and obstructed inhabitants of bridging external resources. Moreover, only few administrative elites could link the governmental resources redistribution. The last outcome is viewed from the cultural capital perspective, there’s cultural gap between aborigines and non-aboriginal that reasons aborigines having difficulty in balancing the cultural identification and the pursuit of career. The elites of aborigines advocated self-government plan; yet, it is an indefinite regulation so far. Since our government moved to Taiwan, the government implemented the indigenous policies and tried to retrieve their economic disadvantages. However, facing the globalization and rapid social change, indigenous people's life experience are changing and confronting new social risks. At the end, to mitigate the effect of the contradiction of the implemented the indigenous policies, the study brings up some rudimentary recommendations.




