  • 學位論文


A Study of New Taiwan Female Immigrants Promting Multicultural education:JADWRP as the Exmaple

指導教授 : 蔡秀美


摘要 本研究以屏東縣好好婦女權益發展協會為例,探究協會中新移民姐妹推廣東南亞多元文化教育的過程。 本研究之目的有四: 一、瞭解新移民女性參與多元文化教育推廣的動機。 二、探討新移民女性推廣多元文化教育歷程。 三、探討新移民女性在推廣多元文化教育中所面臨的情境與因應。 四、探討新移民女性從事推廣多元文化教育的影響及行動實踐。 本研究採質性研究之個案研究深度訪談法,以瞭解姐妹們在多元文化教育推廣工作中的進行過程。 經研究發現,姐妹們進入校園進行多元文化教育教學工作,教導學童能夠認識、包容與欣賞來自東南亞不同族群之文化,並希望多元文化能夠自小紮根,讓我們的下一代對於台灣不同族群移民與其文化能夠更加尊重,期盼未來台灣社會呈現族群和諧、文化多樣性的新面貌。 最後,依據研究發現,分別就新移民、政府單位、協會與未來後續研究等四方面,提出具體建議,以供參考。 關鍵字 新移民 推廣多元文化教育 屏東縣好好婦女權益發展協會


This research investigates the J-Association of Development for Women’s Rights in Ping-Tung , exploring the multi-culture education process of the new Taiwan female immigrants of JADWRP. The research contains 4 purposes: 1. To understand the motives of the new Taiwan female immigrants who participate in multi-culture education spread. 2. To investigate the process of the new Taiwan female immigrants promoting multi-culture education. 3. To investigate the situations and responses of the new Taiwan female immigrants while promoting multi-culture education. 4. To find out the effects as well as action realization of the new Taiwan female immigrants who participate in multi-culture education spread. This research applies the qualitative research method of case study and in-depth interviews to understand the process of the new Taiwan female immigrants’ multi-culture education spread. According to the research, the new Taiwan female immigrants join the multi-culture education teaching at schools. They teach the students to know. tolerate and appreciate the different cultures from various South-East countries, meanwhile, they hope the multi-culture education could be rooted in the Taiwanese students’ minds, which would enable the Taiwanese new generation to respect the immigrations and cultures of different countries. The new Taiwan female immigrants eventually expect there could be harmony among different races and various cultures in the future Taiwan society. Finally, according to the study exploration, this research proposes concrete suggestions for references respectively to New Taiwan Female Immigrants, Association, Taiwanese governmental organizations and future potential follow-up researches. Key words: New Taiwan Female Immigrants. Promoting multi-culture education .J-Association of Development for Women’s Rights in Ping-Tung


