  • 學位論文


An Examination of the Effects of Self-concept, Coercion, and Social Support on Delinquency of the New Immigrant Youth in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊士隆 董旭英


本研究以Colvin等人(2002)的「差異社會支持與壓迫因素犯罪理論」為基礎,並以臺灣新移民子女族群所處的社會背景為焦點,探討生活壓迫、社會支持因素對新移民子女偏差行為的影響,以及自我概念因素於其中所扮演的中介角色。取樣過程採分層立意抽樣方式分二階段進行,先從臺南地區10個教育行政區中各選取一所國民中學,再以該校之新移民子女和其座號次一號之一般學生為研究對象,其中計有「新移民子女組」298名,「一般學生組」275名。以自編之生活適應問卷,採自填問卷調查方式蒐集資料,再以多變量變異數及SEM結構方程模式等方式進行分析。 研究結果有幾項重點:首先,新移民子女學生在自我概念、壓迫因素、社會支持,以及偏差行為等變項上的現況,和一般學生並無顯著差異存在,這與一般社會大眾普遍存有的疑慮和觀念有異。其次,在過去的研究中,自我概念、壓迫因素及社會支持等變項多被各自用於探討與偏差行為的關係,即使Colvin等人的「差異社會支持與壓迫因素犯罪理論」,也僅探討壓迫、支持因素對偏差行為的影響,而少有研究探討自我概念因素在其中可能存在的效應與角色;本研究基於文獻探討結果,建立壓迫因素、社會支持、自我概念及偏差行為等4個變項的關聯模式,經結構方程模式分析結果,已獲得觀察資料的支持,並證實社會支持與壓迫因素,除了對偏差行為具有直接影響效果外,更會透過自我概念的中介效應,增強對偏差行為的影響力。再者,以該模式進行多群組分析比較結果,發現在結構模式上,二組樣本並無顯著差異存在,但在測量模式上顯示,「情感性」支持和「內向性」偏差的因素負荷量上,一般學生組顯著高於新移民子女組。這個結果暗示,新移民子女在生活適應情形上,不但未與一般學生有明顯差異,可能反因其特殊的成長背景,使得他(她)們比一般學生更能適應與面對生活上的不利條件或處境,以至於「情感性」支持因素對於他(她)們的影響效果,比一般學生來得小,而這種情形也反應在學生「內向性」偏差行為的影響效果上。 建議相關政府部門及民間團體除應鼓勵新移民積極參與社區活動、學習融入本地文化外,亦應協助其並善用本身特有的文化資源,發揮自身的價值與力量,藉由協助新移民建立良好、正向的自我意識,才能轉化為教育與陪養其下一代子女的能量,再配合學校教育體系資源,教導新移民子女對其雙重文化的認同與肯定的態度,建立個人對壓迫與刺激因素正向積極的認知評估知覺,培養其壓力調適與因應的能力,將一般認為的危機情境,轉化為正向激勵的力量。


Inspired by “Differential Social Support and Coercion Theory of Crime” (Colvin et al., 2002), this thesis intends to explore the effect of life-coercion, social-support and self-concept upon NIY’s delinquency by focusing on the New Immigrant Youth in Taiwan (NIY). In this study, 298 NIY students and 275 general students (GS) are chosen from ten junior high schools in the ten districts of Tainan City respectively, with stratified purposive sampling method conducted in two stages. The observed data are collected by self-report questionnaire of life adaptation, and analyzed in MANOVA and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The outcome of the research, as opposed to the general speculation, suggests only the slightest differences between NIY and GS in terms of the status of life-coercion, social-support, self-concept and delinquency. Academic efforts of the past have been restricted to the interplay of individual variables, that is, self-concept, life-coercion and social-support, with delinquency; even Dr. Colvin’s masterpiece tackles only the effects of life-coercion and social-support on juvenile problems, leaving the significance of self-concept outside the parameters of its inquiry. However, the research model applied in this paper, operating on the four variables altogether, corroborates that life-coercion and social-support have direct impact on delinquency, and will enhance its effect through the mediation of self-concept. Moreover, when compared and contrasted with multi-group SEM analysis, NIY and GS show little difference on the structural model, but GS is much higher than NIY in the loadings of emotional support and introversion delinquency. The fact might imply that, compared with GS, the NIY children are equipped with a better ability than expected to face and embrace the unfavorable life conditions they are born to confront, as a consequence of the general disadvantage of their special family backgrounds. Therefore, the influence of emotional support on them is lower than on GS. The result also holds true for introversion delinquency. Based on the result of this study, it is highly recommended by the author of the paper that both the public and the private sectors of Taiwan take proactive measures, not only to help the New Immigrants adjust themselves to the local society, but, most important of all, to help them recognize the values and strengths of their cultural individuality. The NIY children raised up in a family like this would tend to appreciate the double cultural backgrounds they are blessed to represent, thereby developing positive perceptions about themselves. As such, they would be placed in a better position to forge healthy personalities, knowing how to face pressure with ease, to treat crises as opportunities, and to transform every setback into the driving force that keeps propelling them forward.


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