  • 學位論文

政府政策工具的應用對公共政策執行成效的影響 : 嘉義縣鹿草垃圾焚化爐及大林垃圾焚化爐之個案比較

指導教授 : 徐千偉


焚化廠(爐)是一般居民印象中的嫌惡(鄰避)設施,普遍大眾都不願其設在住家附近。但政府公共政策的執行是為照顧及解決大多數人民的問題,所以在執行過程中勢必無法獲得所有人的支持。鹿草及大林垃圾焚化爐設置地點同樣位於嘉義縣境內,兩地風土民情相似,核准建廠時間點也非常相近,但在設廠興建執行結果上卻大相徑庭。鹿草垃圾焚化爐順利取得居民認同並於民國90年11月興建完成且於該年12月開始營運 ,但大林垃圾焚化爐卻遭到居民強烈抗爭,最後取消設廠。 本研究以政策工具理論及政策執行理論觀點,探討嘉義縣鹿草及大林垃圾焚化爐興建過程中,政策工具的應用對焚化爐興建公共政策執行成效的影響,以及影響嘉義縣政府鹿草及大林垃圾焚化爐政策工具執行成效的因素。 研究結果發現,兩者除了政策工具應用不同外,環境中所存在的系絡因素:社會、政治、經濟條件以及執行機關的領導管理皆有不同之處。鹿草垃圾焚化爐興建過程中因為政策工具應用得宜,加上有利的環境、社會、政治條件的作用得以順利興建完成。而大林垃圾焚化爐在興建過程中使用強制性政策工具,在不利的環境、社會、政治條件下難以發揮作用。研究結果顯示,政策工具必需與有利的環境系絡因素相互串連才能發揮最大效用。


焚化爐 政策執行 政策工具


Incinerators are so-called ‘NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard)’ facilities which the general public does not want to be built nearby their homes. However, the government has to implement such public policy to resolve the issue of garbage processing for the general public. As a result, it is not easy for the government to get supports from all policy stakeholders, particularly the local residents, during the implementation of such policy. This study selects two incinerator cases, one located in the Lu-cao Township and the other located in the Da-lin Township, as case studies. The construction policies of both incinerators are both proposed by the Jia-yi County government. The culture and local environment in both townships are similar. However, the implementation results are completely different. The Lu-cao incinerator was built in November 2001 smoothly by achieving the mutual agreement with the local residents. But the Da-lin incinerator was not able to be constructed and functioned due to the violent protests by the local residents. This study applies policy instrument theory and policy implementation theory to analyze the construction policies of the Lu-cao and the Da-lin incinerators. The aim of this study is to understand the effects and impacts of applying different policy instruments on the construction policy of incinerators, as well as the key factors affecting the successful implementation on the construction policy of incinerators. The research findings show that the construction policies of the Lu-cao and the Da-lin incinerators apply different policy instruments. There are different contextual factors, such as social, political, economical conditions and political leadership of the implementing governmental bodies, affecting the successful implementation of the construction policy. The successful construction of the Lu-cao incinerator is due to the appropriate application of appropriate policy instruments, as well as the supporting social, political, and economical conditions during the implementation of the policy. As for the construction of the Da-lin incinerator, the use of the compulsory policy instrument under inadequate social, political, and economic conditions has led to the failure of the implementation of the policy. This study concludes that for successful implementation of the construction policy for incinerators, the application of policy instruments needs to be linked and coordinated closely with the adequate contextual factors.


Discourse Theory and Polititical Analysis, Manchester University
King, Gary, Robert O. Keohane and Sidney Verba (1994), Designing
Social Inquiry, Princeton.
一、 中文文獻-書目期刋
