  • 學位論文


Project Cost Analysis under Crashing, Replacement and Milestone Consideration

指導教授 : 陳明德


專案管理從被提出以來,各類型的延伸問題在學術期刊或是相關文獻中不斷被學者加以討論、研究。由於專案具有特定的目標、時程與受限的成本等多方面複雜性且不確定性,導致專案在執行時往往難以考慮專案目標的合理性及可行性,經常得依靠過去類似的經驗來評估。 通常一個專案最在意的兩個指標為完工天數以及所花費的成本,但是這兩項指標卻是互相矛盾的。許多國家級的大型建設因完工天數長且金額龐大,常會有里程碑的限制,況且此種大型的專案每一天都會花費大量的金錢,像是工資或是場地和器材租借等費用,因此,專案管理者如果沒有在一個可依據的科學化方法來評估天數與成本之間的利弊權衡關係,往往會造成專案的延宕或是成本超出預期。 本研究目的在於發展一套以數學規劃模型為基礎的計量模式,來幫助專案管理者了解完工天數與成本之間的關連,並加入:(1)里程碑限制,(2)趕工及替代使用成本限制,讓專案管理者可以在兩者之間,依據不同的專案狀況,快速獲得最佳解,以供決策參考。


Since project management was proposed, the solution methods and the modeling approach of problem have been extensively studied in the related literature. Due to particular objectives, such as completion time or budget constraints, project manager often suffer in trading off the rationality and feasibility of project goals when running the project. Most of the times, the decision-making is based on the empirical rules. The completion time and costs are two major indicators for evaluating the project performance. However, these two performance indicators are conflicting in nature. Due to the long working duration of large-scaled projects (e.g. national construction projects), milestones are usually imposed for regulating the time span. Moreover, national major construction projects might spend a lot of money each day in labor wages, equipment rental and the other expenses. Either the due date might be postponed or cost increased, if the practitioners have no scientific tools to assist in managing the projects. Thus, the objective of this research is to develop a mathematical programming model to assist managers in evaluating the trade-off problem between the cost and the completion time of projects. The model took into account: (1) the milestone, (2) the crashing and replacing cost constraints to reflect the different practicing scenarios so that project managers can obtain the optimal solution for decision-making reference.




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