  • 學位論文


The Development of the Optimal Crashing Strategy for Resource Constrained Project under Different Crashing Structure

指導教授 : 陳明德


專案管理在近代受企業界之重視,且大量地被使用,讓專案管理者可以妥善安排專案之使用資源與進度,達到企業所追求之目標與利益。 其中專案排程問題引起學者諸多的討論,專案排程是否具有效率、合乎利益、可達到專案之目標等等,皆是專案管理者所重視的面向,對專案的執行成功與否具有一定的影響力,而有限資源專案排程問題提出了資源有限之概念,在使用上加諸了許多限制,另外為了讓專案在期限之內完成,趕工策略也備受重視。 在過去前人之研究中,已有對於資源受限專案排程問題提出相關的數學模型,本研究針對此問題提出三種不同的數學模型,模型Ⅰ探討未趕工的情況下,專案預期最少完工時間;模型Ⅱ在線性趕工成本結構下,追求最低成本之最佳專案排程方法;模型Ⅲ在離散型趕工成本結構下,追求最低成本之最佳專案排程方法。其中資源類型採多資源多模式之方法,增加資源的使用彈性,並加入資源使用率之限制與間接成本之概念,希望可更貼近實務上之應用。 本研究所提出之模型,針對專案管理者所面對之不同趕工成本結構,有效地找出最佳專案排程方法,使企業在趕工策略上得以最低專案成本之方式進行。在研究中也可以發現資源使用率之限制對於專案完成時間與專案成本之影響,當專案管理者對資源採用使用率之限制時,好處在於可以將活動更均勻地分配到可用資源上,避免資源的過度使用或閒置,但壞處在於專案活動無法分配到最有效率之資源上,恐會導致專案完成時間的延期或是增加專案之成本,因此專案管理者在使用資源使用率之限制時,應考慮其結果是否符合專案之預期目標與效益。


Project Management is getting more important and frequently used in business. It enables business managers to properly arrange a good deal of resources, tasks and schedule to achieve goals that business managers pursue. Many researches have studied about project scheduling problems, discussing about whether it is efficiency and profitable. A project usually has deadline, so the schedule of project does impact a lot. It may influence whether it success or not. Resource is also important, but it is limited. So Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problems (RCPSP) has been studied. Project manager attempts to use limited resource to complete the project before deadline. If project delay occurs, the crashing strategy would become more important. The study of this thesis proposes three different mathematical programming models. Model Ⅰaims to minimize the makespan of project without crashing. When project need to crash to shorten completion time, using model Ⅱ or model Ⅲ. Both of the models seek minimum crashing cost of project, but they have different crashing cost structure. Crashing cost of model Ⅱ is linear, and the model Ⅲ has discrete crashing cost. They can help project manager find the best project scheduling under different crashing cost structure. And we also add other elements to make mathematical programming models more practical, such as multi-resource, multi-mode, resource utilization ratio and indirect costs. The study, shows that resource utilization can influence the project’s duration and cost. When resource utilization ratio increases, tasks can’t be efficiently allocated to resource, so both the duration and cost increase. However, controlling resource utilization ratio can balance workload to avoid excessively using certain resources.


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