  • 學位論文

綠色圍籬運用在校園安全之探究 - 友善校園VS.被害恐懼感

A study on the Use of Hedges Concerned with Campus Safety Friendly Campus vs. Fear of Victimization

指導教授 : 許華孚


近年來,台灣校園環境開放腳步正逐漸加快,較明顯的是國民小學的校舍建築,生硬的校園圍牆拆除了,取而代之的是高透視率的低矮圍籬和綠美化景觀。教育環境看起來不再像是一座懲罰人們的監所,儼然已成為社區的公園、文教展演中心。然而,開放學校資源使用的前提,校園安全仍須有效的管理與共同維護。本研究聚焦在綠色圍籬校園,如何在降低被害恐懼感與開放友善校園之間,取得良好的平衡。 本研究透過質性研究方法,實地對研究個案學校H國小進行調查並選定七位相關人士進行訪談;受訪對象可區分為三類:學校行政主管、教師、家長或社區民眾,也有受訪者兼具多重身分,例如職業為警官的家長、子女正在學校就讀的教師、平時在學區附近經商的村長等等。透過半結構式訪談,讓他們表達對校園安全與綠色圍籬校園的看法,以及學校社區化的相關建議。 研究發現包括:(一)校園安全只仰賴保全、錄影監視系統的增加補強,對於犯罪及校安事件,往往只是事後補救措施,無法消除人們的被害恐懼感。將人們放在全天候的監視之下,對於預防犯罪、化解校園危機並無明顯助益,卻有害彼此信任與個人隱私。(二)學校培養社區感與增進社區互動,形成同體共感的社區意識,不但是校園安全的策略,也是最佳方式之一。(三)綠色圍籬是生態的圍牆,需要長期維護與管理,避免部分植栽枯死、出現漏洞,產生破窗效應,影響校園安全與觀瞻。


Recently, the campus environment in Taiwan has been opening up at an accelerating pace. One of the obvious examples is the reconstruction of school buildings. To be precise, traditional concrete walls are knocked down and hedges with great visual penetration are installed to provide greener and more aesthetic school landscape. Educational facilities do not look like prisons anymore but community parks or culture centers instead. However, in terms of sharing school resources, campus safety should definitely be managed and kept in an effective way. Thus, this study focuses on how schools with hedges strike a proper balance between reducing the fear of victimization and opening up the friendly campus. This study,employs the method of qualitative research by interviewing 7 participants in order to Elementary. The interviewees can be categorized into three groups: school administrators, school teachers, parents or community residents. A few of them have multiple identities, such as a parent whose job is a police officer, a school teacher who has a child studying in the school, and a community head who business near the school and so on. Through semi-structured interviews, they can express their perspectives on the use of hedges concerned with campus security and give suggestions on the concept of community-based school. The findings of the study are addressed as follows:  It is usually a remedy and unable to dispel people’s fear of victimization when campus safety merely depends on security guarding and video monitoring systems. In addition, monitoring people all day long is not only useless to prevent crimes or danger on the campus but also harmful to the trust and privacy among them.  It is one of the strategies of campus safety as well as one of the best methods to have schools develop a sense of community and enhance interactions with the community in order to raise the awareness of being part of the community.  Hedges are ecological fences which need regular arrangement and maintenance. Such on-going work can prevent holes caused by certain withered plants, which may lead to the Broken Window Effect to damage campus safety and the school landscape.


謝志龍(2007)。探究我國國中少年性犯罪被害之原因-從日常活動與防衛 空間的理論思考。犯罪學期刊,第十卷第一期,頁17-54。


