  • 學位論文

雲林縣國民小學教師電子白板使用意向 與教學自我效能感關係之研究

An Investigation to the Relationships of the Intentional Usage of Interactive Whiteboards and the Teaching Self-efficacy Among Elementary School Teachers in Yun-Lin County

指導教授 : 陳姚真


本研究旨在瞭解雲林縣國小教師電子白板使用意向與教學自我效能感的現況;比較不同背景變項的教師在電子白板使用意向及教學自我效能感的差異;探討教師電子白板使用意向與教學自我效能感的關係;及分析教師背景變項與電子白板使用意向對教學自我效能感的影響。 本研究採問卷調查,以分組叢集取樣,依學校規模抽取雲林縣78所學校542 位教師為樣本,填答研究者自編的「教師電子白板使用意向與教學效能感調查問卷」,共回收有效問卷524份,可用率達 99.2%。經描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、相關分析與多元迴歸分析進行資料處理。問卷統計分析結果,本研究的結論如下: 一、雲林縣國小教師電子白板使用意向與教學自我效能感均屬中上程度。 二、不同性別、年齡、學歷、教學年資、授課年級、學校規模、學校所在地等的國小教師在整體電子白板使用意向未呈現顯著差異。 三、不同教學年資與學校規模的國小教師在整體教學自我效能感有顯著差異。 四、教師的電子白板使用意向與教學自我效能感有中高度正相關。 五、部分教師背景變項與電子白板使用意向對教師教學自我效能感具有顯著影響力,以「行為意願」最具解釋力。 最後研究者根據研究結論提出下列建議,作為相關單位與人員在電子白板使用意向與教學自我效能及未來研究的參考。 一、對教育行政、學校及教師的建議: 積極宣導推動電子白板效益、辦理電子白板巡迴示範教學、善用學校本位管理、推動策略聯盟,落實優勢潛力分享、建立終身學習習慣、改變心智模式等。 二、對未來相關研究的建議: (一)採用其他研究法,如質性研究或行動研究、個案研究方式。 (二)探究與不同變項的關聯。 (三)參閱相關文獻納入新的理論,以使題項更周延及多元。


Yun-Lin County has deployed interactive whiteboards throughout elementary schools among many classrooms for decades. Teachers are encouraged to freely use these tools in delivering courses for pupils. So there exists a need to examine the relationship between the intentional usage and the teaching self-efficacy among teachers. Folds of this investigation are as the follows: 1. To investigate the status of intentional usage and the teaching self-efficacy of school teachers in Yun-Lin County. 2. To examine the difference among varied background factors of teachers in the intentional usage and teaching self-efficacy. 3. To explore the relationship of the intentional usage and the teaching self-efficacy among teachers. 4. To analyze the effects of demographic variables of teachers and intentional usage on their teaching self-efficacy. The investigation deploys a survey method towards the samples of elementary school teachers in Yun-Lin County. There are 542 teachers among 78 schools of the samples. A survey with questionnaires was developed. There are 524 questionnaires collected in total, 99.2% shown effectible. Data are tested with descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA. Finally, a stepwise multiple-regression was conducted. Findings are drawn from the above analysis and listed as follows: 1. The intentional usage of interactive whiteboards and teaching self-efficacy among teachers in Yun-Lin County has shown a fair confidence above an average. 2. There is no relevancy shown in respect of the factors; including gender, age, educational background, teaching experiences and working years, as well as the schools size and location to intentional usage 3. There exists a possible significant difference among teachers with respect to the experiences and schools size in teaching self-efficacy. 4. A significant positive relationship between the intentional usage and teaching self-efficacy has shown a fair confidence. 5. A significant possible influence of background factors of teachers and intentional usage of interactive whiteboards on teaching self-efficacy has also shown a fair confidence. Among these factors, the intentional behavior has shown to be the most effective one. According to the above findings, the study has confidence to conclude and suggest for further references. There shows possible needs to improve information literacy and teaching self-efficacy for teachers. Further studies with respect to the improvements are encouraged to focus on the findings. The study proposes the following suggestions for administrative and teaching staffs. 1. Teaching subjects shall all be encouraged to deploy information technology with respect to the delivering courses and instructions. 2. All staffs shall be exposed at most possibilities to seminars and workshops of information technology. 3. Improvements of information facilities are constantly requested to be examined. Staffs shall look for possible strategic alliance. 4. A scheme for the rotation of administrative posts shall be introduced among teaching staffs for better cooperative possibilities. 5. A life-long learning strategy shall be included in schools for staffs to exchange experiences regarding instructive purposes. The suggestions for future studies are as the following: 1. To deploy different investigating approaches, such as the qualitative study, the fields study, and the case study. 2. To investigate the relationships among more variable factors with respect to the similar domain. 3. To refer to more broaden sources of researches and explore more theoretical and empirical results for further investigation.




