  • 學位論文

基因資訊權利性質之研究 人格權與財產權一元雙面結構

A Study on the Legal Nature of Genetic Information. —The Property of Rights on Genetic Information Is Both Personal and Proprietary.

指導教授 : 黃俊杰


憲法披著實證法的甲冑,深藏著自然法的靈魂,懷著平等、尊重哲學思想與人文胸懷,透過法律規範達成公益與私益的平衡,以提升人民福祉,常深植法律研究者的心中。本論文寫在基因科技蓬勃發展的時代,肯定基因科技發展對全人類貢獻的前提下,以過去法律發展為基礎,希冀從人性尊嚴、人格權及專利權的發展脈絡,定位基因資訊的法律上屬性。並從過去及現在正在發展的案例事實中,法律回應時代發展的成長軌跡,探討基因資訊於個人權利保護及公共利益需求的權衡。內容在發現基因資訊的法律性質及人格權、財產權保障,並同時論及正當法律程序的合憲性要求。 本論文分為八章,從人民基本權出發,後論及基因資訊在專利法上的權利適格性。各章內容介紹如下: 第一章為緒論,首先說明研究動機與研究目的,並介紹各國大型基因資料庫的建制現況及我國生物資料庫建立的沿革,說明生物醫療研究上大型基因樣本資料庫的需求,及基因資訊可能引發的人權議題,作為問題意識。 第二章從醫學及法律角度定義基因資訊,說明基因及基因資訊的醫學上及法律上定義。內容說明基因資訊是否應被特別立法保護,論及基因資訊人格權,並就基因資訊作法律上、經濟上的初步分析。 第三章說明告知後同意原則的源起、內容及其國際法上發展,從正當法律程序出發,論及醫療倫理的基本原則,討論法律上告知後同意原則及事實上概括同意的需求,並從美國著名的Moore v. Regents of the University of California案探討資訊揭露的合理性、同意的射程範圍,以作為正當法律程序之資訊提供、同意的思辨基礎,探討基因資訊權利歸屬問題。 第四章為基因資訊自決權,首先以人性尊嚴作為基因人格權的底蘊,繼之以德國侵權行為法及憲法上一般人格權的發展為據,再以德國1983年的Volkszählung案探討資訊自決權,最後導出基因資訊自決權為憲法基本權保障的範疇。 第五章從英美法上隱私權的發展談起,從隱私權在憲法上被肯認的過程、各種學說理論,討論隱私權在侵權行為法及憲法上的內容、性質及其保護規範模式。其次,以歐洲人權法院S. and Marper v. UK案探討隱私權的保護範圍-合理期待,作為基因資訊人格權保護的射程範圍。最後,以冰島的Ragnhildur Guðmundsdóttir vs. The State of Iceland案探討告知及同意的內涵,並論及基因資訊不只涉及個人隱私權,更及於家族、種族中其他成員的隱私權。 第六章探討人格權的經濟利益。從人格權及財產權的保護,均為憲法人性尊嚴保護的範疇,肯認人格權與財產權並非互斥的權利性質,從而可以肯認同一標的上可以同時存在人格權及財產權的面向,因此基因資訊同時具有人格權及財產權的面向。最後並以美國法上個人公開權、德國法上人格權授權契約為例,說明保護人格權的經濟利益以回應時代變遷。 第七章就基因資訊財產權作省思。首先區分「發明」與「發現」,並就「發明」與「發現」在美國法及歐洲法上的可專利性作探討,其後論及生物科技上的「發明」與「發現」,探討基因資訊究為「發明」或「發現」,以究明人類基因資訊是否具有專利適格性。其次,比較美國專利法第101條及歐洲專利法上公序良俗條款,作為專利權保護在生物科技發展上的保護界限。最後以美國The Association for Medical Pathology vs. USPTO and Myriad Genetics 案探討人類基因專利化,是否符合專利法之立法目的及全人類福祉。 第八章基因資訊的應用與規範—代全文結論。說明憲法作為科技發展的規範功能及基因資訊的可專利性。最後,提出基因專利共享機制,例如強制授權、交叉授權、資源共享等,作為本文認為解決基因資訊權利歸屬的可行方案。


This thesis is divided into eight chapters, developing from the fundamental human rights, then to the patentability of genetic information in the patent law. The first chapter is an introduction which talks about. the motivation and purposes of this research, and then introduces some issues on human rights that. Genetic information may bring about. The second chapter is discussing about genetic information issues from medical and legal points of viewgenetic information, . Includwhich includesing on genetic information personality rights, ,and also talks about the Legal and Economic Analysis on genetic information. The third chapter introduces the principle of informed consent. This chapter develops its views from the due process of law and then, to the generalization agree. Finally, it ends with the discussion about the ownership of genetic information in the Moore v. Regents of the University of California case . The fourth chapter is about the rights of self-determination on genetic information which includes human dignity, general personality in German civil law and constitution, and the rights of self-determination on personal information discussed in the Germany 1983 Volkszählung case. The fifth chapter is talking about the protection of privacy right, which incorporates the boundaries of privacy right that should be protected in the, Iceland Ragnhildur Guðmundsdóttir vs. The State of Iceland case. The sixth chapter is describing about the economic interests in the personality rights, which concludes that personality rights and proprietary rights are not mutually exclusive, so that they can coexist on the genetic information. The seventh chapter is talking about the relationship between genetic information and proprietary rights, which includesing issues on “genetic information is "invented" or "discovered?”, “is human genetic information patentable or not?”, and then ends with the discussion about The Association for Medical Pathology vs. USPTO and Myriad Genetics case. The final chapter is the conclusion which proposesd compulsory licensing, cross-licensing, resource sharing, and ownership rights of genetic information as a solution to the issues on genetic information discussed in this thesis.


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